With all of the Bungie hate going around I have decided to pay for 5 Guardians $20's VIP package. Obviously you must be a year 1 player...
In one sentence state why you should be selected and when the release is out I will send you an PSN or XBOX code for $20's.
There is no catch as I am doing this just to pay it forward...
Before I start getting all this hate/questions of my integrity of if this is true or not. Ask anyone of my clans man of DoubleTapYaHead and they will tell you it's legit. I've bought full games for some of my members because they were down on their luck.
********This is for the $20 add on for the year 1 players********
With all the responses I have decided to select the Guardians as I go. I will announce a winner on the 1st of July, 15th of July, 1st of August and 15th of August.
the underw0rld I have messaged you the code... Good luck Guardian
I don't want a code so I don't want to be considered but just wanted to say well done, nice to see some positivity on the forum.
Well reading the comments this is turning into an American Idol sob story contest lol. I don't have a sob story, but if you were to pick me I'd definently put the items to use. Also it goes without saying, I'd be very appreciative.
Why you should give me a code? I'm a greedy little sh!t who wants free stuff. [spoiler]#Satire[/spoiler]
Edited by Buzord: 6/28/2015 1:51:55 PMI think this is an honourable thing you are doing and this is not a request for me. My Bro is 30 and going through a bad time at the moment, he is currently off work "sick". He has MS and is at this moment in a relapse state, he finds it difficult to walk, but luckily still has the use of his hands. He enjoys playing destiny with me and all of the community it keeps him from feeling down. He has a young family to support and we are all helping out as much as we can. Every little contribution helps - this would be a great perk up for him. Sounds like a bit of a sob story, but it's just real life. Thank you for taking the time to read this.
Let me get this straight, you would be willing to pay for me? A Dirty, Filthy Ass -blam!-ing casual. Well I accept your offer if you are so inclined to do it. I mean who doesn't love free shit.
Awesome thing you are doing. I read many over the posts and there are many deserving guardians. I don't have a great story. Saving a little money is always nice.
Would love a PS4 code
Great offer. I'd like to say I want to get in on your generous offer. However, for me it's not the cost of the expansion. If Bungie sent me the complete expansion for FREE I don't think I would play it. Especially when I think about what games I want to play this November. But whatever… thanks for being so generous on the forums.
This is very cool man. I'm very capable of buying my own - just wanted to say that it's pretty cool that you're doing this. Paying it forward comes in many forms.
I am a year one player, and yes I am included in the younger part of the community, 14 turning 15 in a month. Still though, I pay off what I want myself because I save my money and do little things such as mowing lawns and all that stuff to get a little pocket cash, and i think it would be pretty cool not for me but for anyone who uses there own money to pay for things like this to get a little breather.
Pick Me pick me haha, good work any way mate, not too many people would offer this. Cheers
Honestly, I dont think you should give it to me. Theres far more deserving people than I. All I came here to say was I appreciate and respect what youre doing
Edited by OG Mushroomage: 6/28/2015 6:55:07 PMI'm a year one player, but was a little late with starting in October. Money has always been tight, especially with me about to start college in a few weeks. My mom is the only worker, because my dad is legally blind (Retinitis pigmentosa). A family with one job that only pays $49K a year: not enough. I'm lucky enough to own game systems because my friends know my situation and when they upgrade their systems to the new gen, they gave me their old ones, and the games with it. Edited to add more info added because I'm back at home now with wifi
365 shadow price... Nuff said :-)
I'm going to university in sept and saving money
My life is pretty damn good to be honest. I'm making my bills and I don't have any health concerns I know of. I think what you're doing is awesome. If you want a sad story I was homeless for a year, living out of my car and still going to college. It sucked but I'm over it. I have an apartment now and two jobs. I finish school for good in 2 weeks. You're doing a cool thing man.
I've been reading the other lines and paragraphs so if some of the stories are true, these guardians deserve at least a code. If they are the type of people who are lying then they shouldn't even be in this post.
I'm not commenting for a code as at the moment I will not be purchasing TTK. I just wanted to say the you deserve a pat on the back my good man
I'd like a code but not for me, my 15 year old brother. I can afford the stuff, he can only get xbox stuff during his birthday or xmas.
Edited by joosman01: 6/28/2015 1:11:55 PMI have ms, destiny one of the only things that gets me through the day right now.
Hi fellow gaurdian. I would love to be chosen for a code. I do what I can to help others in game and out. I helped my buddy pay for some of his ps4 so he can upgrade with me and still have money for his kids. I am on ps4 and hope to hear from you soon
You are a good man. A very nice and thoughtful gesture
Well im on ps4 , there is really no reason to buy it for me excpet that i need it /want it and cant get it
I was really hoping to get it preordered but I was too late.... it'd be really swell if you'd share your generosity with me. I'd give back in some sort of way.
This is really cool, bump. [spoiler]Don't pick me.[/spoiler]
Edited by Leonardo: 6/28/2015 10:08:29 AMMy parents died in a car accident a month ago, I love with my aunt, I have limited access to the "real world" as my aunt is very strict for me to make friends with strangers, I go school and my anti-bully streak is very low (I get bullied commonly every month)... My brother has autism and down-syndrome... I am a loyal destiny player, I have played for 350+hours and no gallys and etc... I am an arab which most racism goes to...