With all of the Bungie hate going around I have decided to pay for 5 Guardians $20's VIP package. Obviously you must be a year 1 player...
In one sentence state why you should be selected and when the release is out I will send you an PSN or XBOX code for $20's.
There is no catch as I am doing this just to pay it forward...
Before I start getting all this hate/questions of my integrity of if this is true or not. Ask anyone of my clans man of DoubleTapYaHead and they will tell you it's legit. I've bought full games for some of my members because they were down on their luck.
********This is for the $20 add on for the year 1 players********
With all the responses I have decided to select the Guardians as I go. I will announce a winner on the 1st of July, 15th of July, 1st of August and 15th of August.
the underw0rld I have messaged you the code... Good luck Guardian
I think the price is too damn high, can you pay for me?
Edited by BobaRex14: 6/25/2015 3:14:25 PMWow, what you're doing is awesome! I've been playing since Alpha, looking for work atm so can't afford to purchase the collector's edition. There are more people that probably should get it instead, but thanks for reading anyways.
Edited by LucidFever: 6/25/2015 3:09:22 PMI have been playing since Alpha. I help people with Raids and PoE even ToO. I even help people on the [b]Help[/b] section of the Forums. Your money will not be wasted and put to good use.
I'm buying myself but just wanted to say thank you for being awesome! This is what this community is all about :)
365 shadow price
Honestly, thats very awesome from your part! Buying games for your friends is an awesome act of friendship! Keep up the awesomeness guardian :D
If I want it I will buy it myself, probably won't as outside of America it's even more expensive. ( £20 = $31!!) But just wanted to say that's really nice of you. Need more people like yourself in the world. Good job.
Boop. Your next purple engram given to me now has a 5% chance of being exotic instead of .01%.
Real guardian hype
That's very nice of you! Good luck to everyone :D (I don't want it. I'll buy it myself)
I'm not posting for selection, just to say that you are amazing. Time and time again negative currents go through the community and time and time again, people try to counter it. I don't need the extra bonus content, the expansion is enough for me and I will be just as happy to receive and experience it like I did the two other DLCs. Keep up the good work guardian!
I am a kid who has no way to earn money, I only got the DLC for my birthday
Eye nede munny. I not verry smort. Kan yoo pleez helps me with this LDC? I kant wurk doo two strayned eye pane frum playing two much Deptiny. I wunt thiss CDL four more fun timez and mor eye pane. Itz bedder than wurking too paye forrit all bye miselfy. Thunk yoo. Yoo ar a gud garddyan.
Just thought i'd throw my name into the hat for this. I've been playing since the Beta and I've invested a ton of time into the game, but i'm also in college and don't have a ton of cash to throw at my screen which is why i'm still on last gen. I'd greatly appreciate it if I was considered for one of the five.
That's pretty cool of you dude!
I hope karma comes around to you for doing something nice for a few people. Awesome job bro.
[quote]With all of the Bungie hate going around I have decided to pay for 5 Guardians $20's VIP package. Obviously you must be a year 1 player... In one sentence state why you should be selected and when the release is out I will send you an PSN or XBOX code for $20's. There is no catch as I am doing this just to pay it forward... Before I start getting all this hate/questions of my integrity of if this is true or not. Ask anyone of my clans man of DoubleTapYaHead and they will tell you it's legit. I've bought full games for some of my members because they were down on their luck.[/quote] I'm sure the most immediate reason everyone will use with me is because I've bought this game day one $80 edition, hit 30 on all 3 character slots (Hunter, Titan, Warlock), re leveled all my purples and yellows before HoW was released, and then continued to hit 34 on at least one character.
Awesome to see someone willing to help out man. (Don't pick me I'm a youngun who has nothin better to spend his money on)
I simply wish to acquire additional content that will allow me to further enjoy my Destiny experience (:
Because I have glaucoma but still enjoy playing destiny
You shouldn't pay anyone's $20 admission fee because you're perpetuating the problem that is corporate greed from Bungie and Activision. No one should pay a single dime anymore until they can prove that they will release content that's of equal or greater value than the content released. Right now, it's laughably not even close.
Respect! Nice to see a positive post. I'm not posting to be selected but whoever you do select, check their recent forum posts and make sure they haven't been b1tch1ng about the $20 cosmetics.
Edited by Rapid Fire27: 6/25/2015 3:04:31 PMI'd really appreciate it. Running pretty low on money due to medical issues. It seems like your a nice guy. Pick well man! :)
Edited by Trending Topic: 6/25/2015 3:04:41 PMI would like a psn code of 20$ for my account because i love destiny and i like collecting these kind of things. I might sound like every other person that says "They love destiny" and are just saying it but no. I really do and i enjoy it. It would be very kind if you choose me and i would very much appreciate it. Thank you. Edit:Like the other people are saying, its very nice of you to pay for peoples VIP rewards. Im a year 1 player so check my profile if you dont believe me.
I have played since day 1. Alpha, beta, etc. I still don't have Gjallarhorn. That is my reason.
Thats really cool of you. Sorry so many d-bags reply.