With all of the Bungie hate going around I have decided to pay for 5 Guardians $20's VIP package. Obviously you must be a year 1 player...
In one sentence state why you should be selected and when the release is out I will send you an PSN or XBOX code for $20's.
There is no catch as I am doing this just to pay it forward...
Before I start getting all this hate/questions of my integrity of if this is true or not. Ask anyone of my clans man of DoubleTapYaHead and they will tell you it's legit. I've bought full games for some of my members because they were down on their luck.
********This is for the $20 add on for the year 1 players********
With all the responses I have decided to select the Guardians as I go. I will announce a winner on the 1st of July, 15th of July, 1st of August and 15th of August.
the underw0rld I have messaged you the code... Good luck Guardian
Because I have help people like this before and I don't complain about nonsense.
I just wanna dance! http://youtu.be/AjPau5QYtYs
When I read your title my immediate response was ... But treat me like the whore I am lol xD I thought you were talking to bungie and not the people you were going to buy the exclusives for. You are a kind guardian to be buying the exclusives for people who cry like babies and know they will still buy it anyways hahaha. Good fortunes to you guardian, and may your foes see no mercy!
Wait we have to pay an extra $20 to get the vip items on top of the extra $20 for the colleters edtion items?
This is very generous and I would love for this to happen since I've had some pretty shitty luck lately and because of said luck I am only getting ttk because of a good friend who is helping me. I do fit your qualifications, I was a beta player and even got the season pass when it happened. I was there for the forever 29 struggle and the pushing of both vog bosses, the introduction of the baby bumpers, the improved baby bumpers with enhanced bumpage lol
Just lost my job and bills will be piling up which means I won't have the budget/money for the cool emotes, shaders, and class items. [spoiler]currently looking for a job[/spoiler]
Edited by Zenteion: 6/26/2015 9:14:20 AMI have 2100+ hours played and more than half of that time was spent helping people in raids and nightfalls.
I really want to get it for my friend.
I don't need one, there's far less fortunate people more deserving than me
My titan could use a sexy hammer on her waist :(
Dont pick me.... instead if I win donate the 20$ to a charity thanks
Honestly no reason as to why I should get one,just wanted to say hi.
Because I'm deploying in a few months
Have been playing since launch, I love collecting and having all the stuff in the game. I am not sure if I will be able to buy TTK as I don't really have alot of money right now (I'm 15) but I might be able to get it by then, and I would be really happy if I could get this small (and overpriced) expansion, too :)
well I would enjoy having the stuff, major collector and the one game I love to play everyday
I use thorn, gally, and lag switching to win games. I deserve. Jk #satire #don't yell at me plz
Alpha, Beta and day one player. Been looking for a bit of luck lately and you could be just the guy to change my fortunes.
Good for you ( I have pre ordered and I am in the position to afford it ) It's hard to judge who is deserving I just hope someone who really deserves it gets the win
Edited by AzExcalibur: 6/26/2015 8:41:57 AMBeta player here, 5 grimoire away from max and got platinum
Edited by Wayworn Wayfarer: 6/26/2015 8:42:30 AMKudos to you for doing this, man! Been here since beta, still can't put this game down! Just in case you need proof, I'll try to keep a beta/week 1 exclusive emblem on one of my characters.
If you pick me, we can go for an extra cheeky nandos!
Been playing since beta, I have about 16 days on my Hunter, maybe 17. I've received 3 Gjallarhorns, 3 Hawkmoons, 3 Last words, and 7 dragon breaths There are many other players more deserving than I am of this shader, im just here to keep the thread alive
I've been playing destiny since day one, I remembered the day I got home from school I went to Walmart as soon as I was home, I come from "poor" family as some would same and times are tough I've allways loved destiny I grinded out all the weekly activities and can't wait for more also thanks for doing a thing like this X1 GT add me anyone: JE Demize
Dude, this is a extremely kind gesture to the community. I would love to be selected, I have been a very active player since the games launch and am extaticed towards the taken king expansion. Thanks for the chance!
My birthday is actually on July 15th, I will finally be 13. That would be an epic birthday present. I'm on Xbox 1
Very, very kind thing that you're doing. It's nice to see that there are people here willing to help each other out :)