So as we know, past-gen consoles such as the 360 and PS3 have to be up-to-date with the current-gen consoles. Why are they considered cancer? Well let me tell ya.
Past gen console users are the reason why we don't have bigger vaults to put our extra weapons, they are the reason why we can't have more then three people in a patrol, and they are also the reason why baby's are born with Down's syndrome.
Those are just three of many reasons why we should consider past-gen users cancerous and stuff. Thank you and have a nice day c:
Edit 1: So apparently some people are offended by the way I used "cancer". In response to this I will do absolutely nothing
My niece has Down syndrome. My sister will be so pissed when she finds out its because I have a PS3 and a ps4 that my niece has a genetic disorder. Thanks for clearing that up for me. I appreciate your compassion towards my family.