So, did the weakly nightfall this week on 3 characters and I got 2 [url=]55A-allFATE[/url]'s....both essentially crap and for my last try 9 strange coins...last time I played I got 3 of them, making a total of [u]5[/u].
I know that they don't want to always give out the best loot over and over, but this is ridiculous, I should never get a legendary I can buy from a vendor. If I have to get one, then make some that you can only get from night falls, but there is no reason why I should have this happen, hours of my life I will never get back and I essentially scrapped all of them.
It was raining and I was pushing the bounds of what I could do in game to get my rewards, not once, or twice, but 3 times and 2 of the 3 times I essentially got nothing. "Oh you got something, you got 2 rifles for free you would have had to buy", you mean "rifles I would never buy"; only an idiot or a low level would buy these guns. No one plays the nightfall to get these legendries except collectors, and I can't always expect to get the exotics, but you would think someone would make nightfall helpful gear like they do for the raids and PoE.
Please remove the current Legendary drops from nightfalls and replace them with gear that can only be found in nightfalls.
[b]*For everyone who didn't ready the post or misinterpreted the post here is what I want Nightfalls to drop:
- [u]Nightfall Exclusive Legendries[/u] = Loot that can only be found in a nightfall and helps within it instead of the faction gear, much like raid gear and its use, but light levels that match faction to keep an active player interest in nightfalls.
- [u]Random Exotics[/u] = because not everyone has them all yet or all of them fully upgraded, so stop being jaded people.
- [u]Etheric light[/u] = cause we don't have full exotic sets and we have gear we like still but need stronger.
- [u]Strange coins[/u] = cause we can still get useful things from Xûr
- [u]Ghost Shells[/u] = cause there is no reason why we shouldn't have them already, but I am not holding my breathe.
- [u]Legendary Engrams[/u] = it was suggested as a good alternative to faction gear that can help everyone with their cryptarch.[/b]
*For everyone who needs the math done for the "hours" portion of my post:
-1 run 20-40 minutes long per character
-3 characters
-Dinner 10-50 minutes based on quantity and quality of food.
so if you have an issue with this time table, sit down and save your question for someone cares, cause you input on the matter is done.
Yes but for the easiest nightfall to get through and putting not much time into it ledgendaries are fine.
I second this, even when I get an exotic from a nightfall it's always an armor piece I already have or it's literal trash
Try posting in feedback, love the idea for nightfall legendaries
You people will complain about anything you can, huh? Are we seriously bitching on Nightfalls now? What's next?
You know if you reroll that 55 it's actually pretty good in pvp. Head seeker, perfect balance and crowd control make it good
Before HoW, legendaries from a nightfall were good, because it was a chance for good rolls (field scout/counterbalance vanquisher and firefly outlaw crusader) but now all of the faction weapons can be rerolled, and most of them are terrible anyway. If the nightfall-rewarded legendaries were at 365 attack it would give them an edge over the 331 attack vendor weapons and make them better. HOWEVER nightfalls take 10-20 mins (30 for omnigul) and give a massive rep and xp boost which is more than worth it for the time put in. The random reward is just a bonus.
Yeah it sucks when you get bad stuff from nightfalls but they arr pretty much a joke difficulty wise.
Much rather get a legendary then 12 damn strange coins.
You shut your whore mouth.
I would die for some strange coins right now
I love the nightfall exclusive legendary idea. But the nightfall is fun... with friends... or solo... no randoms, LOL.
Keep em in, I'll take them or shard them. Nightfall is for the XP bonus, everything else is gravy
I understand your complaint. I've only recieved maybe 4-5 exotics from the NF. For an entire month all I got were strange coins and the rest of the time I got legendaries. Im not complaining bc thats how it is. Heck one time I got friggen (before CE) the upgrading materials. I can ser your frustration with working a NF with 3 chars and getting skunked. Its a bummer. And this is all coming from a guy who only has one char and onky gets one shot a week at the raids and NF. If their weren't legendaries in the RNG for NF what would you replace it with? Im very interested on your reply from this bc the way I see it things are very fair. In time, with gameplay, you get everything you want chief.
Etheric light is the only sensible thing you've said. Take legendary out? Then what? Plus, most of us have zero use for any nightfall specific legendary. It is what it is. Nightfalls are not horribly difficult (and actually ridiculously easy this week, due to the Vaalus whiners). So, leave it as is.
F off bro it's the way it's been since the beginning and u think they're gonna change it cause your pussy ass got jipped? Ha ha ha
I actually like Nightfall specific legendary gear. That'd be fcking dope as hell.
I quite like the idea of a legendary drop specific to Nightfalls. They could give the weapons elemental damage perhaps like the Fatebringer for instance. Though it should be a fairly rare drop.
I used to only want legandary weapons to drop in nightfall pre HoW. Already had the exotics I wanted. Allfate is great in pvp but yeah you can buy it so it's a bad drop I suppose. Hours should not be spent on nightfalls anymore. Sooo easy. And finally I think you make a great point/suggestion with the legandary pool for nightfall being at least expanded to nf specific legandary drops. Never considered it but it a great idea. Crucible, poe, iron banner, raids do it so why not nightfall? Excellent suggestion
Man, you again? Does every topic you make have to be stupid? I guess karma plays a role in RNG, because you're a petulant little shit and your rewards reflect it. Have a nice day sociopath in training.
I would love to get some legendaries as the only exotic im missing is Bones of Eao (and necrochasm but that is unobtainable from nightfalls) ive gotten 12 exotics in a row from nightfalls and while I realize I am extremely lucky, its just not what i need. Ill take etheric light to upgrade some things I may or may not use, but should upgrade them anyways. Ill take legendaries to see how they are. Hell ill take strange coins since im tired of doing the weekly's
Lmao. I just saw you hash tagged your ID. Omg the ego had landed.
I do the Nightfall for the XP/Rep boost. Anything else is just an added bonus.
I would rather go back to getting ascendant materials other than scrap legendary weapons.