So, did the weakly nightfall this week on 3 characters and I got 2 [url=]55A-allFATE[/url]'s....both essentially crap and for my last try 9 strange coins...last time I played I got 3 of them, making a total of [u]5[/u].
I know that they don't want to always give out the best loot over and over, but this is ridiculous, I should never get a legendary I can buy from a vendor. If I have to get one, then make some that you can only get from night falls, but there is no reason why I should have this happen, hours of my life I will never get back and I essentially scrapped all of them.
It was raining and I was pushing the bounds of what I could do in game to get my rewards, not once, or twice, but 3 times and 2 of the 3 times I essentially got nothing. "Oh you got something, you got 2 rifles for free you would have had to buy", you mean "rifles I would never buy"; only an idiot or a low level would buy these guns. No one plays the nightfall to get these legendries except collectors, and I can't always expect to get the exotics, but you would think someone would make nightfall helpful gear like they do for the raids and PoE.
Please remove the current Legendary drops from nightfalls and replace them with gear that can only be found in nightfalls.
[b]*For everyone who didn't ready the post or misinterpreted the post here is what I want Nightfalls to drop:
- [u]Nightfall Exclusive Legendries[/u] = Loot that can only be found in a nightfall and helps within it instead of the faction gear, much like raid gear and its use, but light levels that match faction to keep an active player interest in nightfalls.
- [u]Random Exotics[/u] = because not everyone has them all yet or all of them fully upgraded, so stop being jaded people.
- [u]Etheric light[/u] = cause we don't have full exotic sets and we have gear we like still but need stronger.
- [u]Strange coins[/u] = cause we can still get useful things from Xûr
- [u]Ghost Shells[/u] = cause there is no reason why we shouldn't have them already, but I am not holding my breathe.
- [u]Legendary Engrams[/u] = it was suggested as a good alternative to faction gear that can help everyone with their cryptarch.[/b]
*For everyone who needs the math done for the "hours" portion of my post:
-1 run 20-40 minutes long per character
-3 characters
-Dinner 10-50 minutes based on quantity and quality of food.
so if you have an issue with this time table, sit down and save your question for someone cares, cause you input on the matter is done.
Please. I break down every legendary I get now. 1 mote of light...
Patience and time and dragons breath haven't done nightfall on my last character though.
For me i have really wanted some etheric light. Only seen it drop for one person on my fireteam since HoW dropped. Legendaries arent terrible i mean the first week i got pest control matrix and once you have 90+% of the exotics those exotic shards become pretty useless. But i get what you are saying. If you dont need it you basically got one mote of light for something that is considered end game content.
I got 2 all fates and another gjallarhorn.
I'd say take coins out not legendaries. But I would like to see an increase in etheric light.
I play the nightfall for fun!!! Drops are secondary
I got hard light universal remote and 10 coins. Eh.
That weapon is amazing. It's great in both PVE and PVP with the correct perks. Mine has perfect stability, secret round and faster reload on a kill and it wrecks.
I said this a long while ago. Legendary weapons should be removed from the nightfall drop now that all house of wolves weapons can be re-rolled. Legendary drops made sense in NF in the past, as they were a way to receive non vendor rolls. Legendary engrams should take the spot of legendary weapons in the NF pool
I'd rather have legendaries.
Don't know about nightfall exclusive. That is what they did in Poe and that gear suck balls compared to other legends.
Only if you throw your money at your screen
First of all how does it take you hours of life to complete the nightfall with solar and arc burns? It took me less than 20 minutes for two solo runs. You should start rethinking
No one. F u c k ing cares.
Hours of your life? If takes you hours to do any nightfall you shouldn't be playing FPS games, and if it takes you hours to beat THIS NIGHTFALL then I don't know what to say to you...
It's fine man I haven't gotten an exotic to drop for me in the past 4 months from a nightfall and I do it 3 times a week so I feel your pain
FWIW, the Allfate is BY FAR my favorite legendary PR. I think it exceeds the Messenger by a longshot. Closest you'll get to a legendary Strangers Rifle. Just saying.
Hours of your life you'll never get back? It takes about 10 minutes to do this weeks nightfall..
Bush did 9/11
Im not sure if it's me or just łuck but, It seems like exotics are dropping more frequently during nightfalls I've been doing the night 3x a week on each character and I've been getting exotics for almost 2/3 characters.
Please no that's why I do nightfalls
Nah just take out sawtooth oscillator...damn that thing sucks ass!
Pretty sure you get crappier loot if your entire team wipes out and goes back to orbit
The nightfall took me like 10 minutes this week, 5 gally rounds and the boss went down.....and here you are complaining. Let's go back to arc burn omnigul, that'll make you cry
Let's be honest if they did that then everybody would have all of the exotics much faster ... plus if you're struggling to do nightfall anymore then you should prolly be glad to get those leg weapons
I have enough exotics, I like when I get good legendary drops on nightfall stop being a whiny bitch.