lucky you....I don't and don't want 50 of the same crappy gun....I have over 200 ascendant materials....I would rather have shards...
Then go to the speaker.
or...they could just fix the rewards to have a new set of gear that makes people want to actually play it.
It gives you an xp boost.
yes it does, but the activity rewards beyond the boost need to be altered so we don't get the faction gear; we should be getting nightfall gear; legendries only found and helpful in the nightfalls.
So what are you hoping to get?
argyle socks...he needs them for his door....
Exactly! People are greedy as -blam!-. Running nightfall only hoping to get one thing and then blowing up the forums when they don't get it. I personally do it for the XP boost and the chance to get random legendary guns with solid rolls that I won't need to roll again.
RNG is for trading systems...which we don't have, so your rolling argument is invalid....so as I have said a dozens of times; go home troll
no....I want new gear not the same crap gear over and over and over....that's 5/6 nightfall play throughs getting the exact crap pulse rifle that I could have bought from the vender....so get off that high horse and read the post, I want the, to replace the faction gear with nightfall gear.
You call it an article I call it a backstreet boys love whine.
actually I call it a post, but hey who am I to judge if you hear music in my words....