*Walks in, all Hunters in this thread turn around and stare in silence. Walks towards Hunters, Fist of Havocs the majority of them, using Shockwave to take out the Hunters running away. Goes back to the Titan Family Meeting*
Except you didn't realize the 50 cloaked hunters guarding the meeting and caught a blade to the throat before you even smelled the BBQ cooking.
Master, you have replied. This is the greatest honor for any Titan, to meet you master, A Titan.
:,D you are now my 3rd in command!
A Titan.....I am deeply honored to partake in the commandeering of the Titan Family. I now hereby swear to the Titan Gods and our great Titan Ancestors, that I will safeguard our family till the end of my Light. I hereby pledge my loyalty to A Titan and every single Titan in our great solar system. Thank you all
Edited by TheManBearApe: 6/25/2015 9:38:07 PM*Gets several Marks handed, worn by previous Titan Commanders*
You did not kill me! [spoiler]*activates arc blade and kills You*[/spoiler]
You're ruining smthing special here, its a ceremony bro
I shall avenge my bretheren!
Titan tries to fist of panic gets shot by gravity bow and dies
'Warlock arrive and stop the mess with crowd control grenade'