So here I am, killing Crota with his own sword, and my ghost (His name is Casper) tells me that i've been invited to a houseparty with my brothers. So i don't know if there's going to be bladedancers or gunslingers there, because the other day i had to blink strike the hell out of some loudmouthed gunslinger in those trials put on by osiris. So i didn't know if I was going, but that's when Casper tells me that this get- together has awoken strippers. Now I can tell you one thing, and it's about those reef girls. They can get down and they can get dirty. I mean I can tell you this one story about me and the queen out by this little ocean in venus, because WOW does she like to skinny dip. Anyways hunters, I accept your invitation, and I cant wait to join this party with you my brothers!
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