On your mom's pussy
They really are by far the most useless class and this is coming from someone with a 34 warlock
Orbs Orbs Orbs Orbs Orbs Support class
Did you know each class generates the same amount of orbs it only depends on the kind of enemy you kill you idiot. If you kill a major with a gold gun you generate 4 orbs just as you would with a warlock
Warlocks have an easier time producing with more success. Idiot. Wr can walk around and kill 8 enemies while using our super
Again i have a 34 warlock they are the most useless
I have a 34 Hunter and they are useless
Haha in what aspects?
Doesn't help the team
Actually on Crota and Prisoj of Leders 35 mainly one hunter can defuse all of the bombs easily and gold gun is deadly on Trials
Hunters are amazing in PvP but shitty in PvE,,,Warlocks can stall the debuff on skolas with self rez. Use angel of light to pick Skolas off from afar and avoid urrox flaming floor
Yeah but they suck at defusing mines haha
I do it perfectly fine tho :/. Hunters may be safer but anyone can do jt
I do not disagree with that but i have seen many people get killed defusing that could have been prevented with a hunter.
But if I kill 8 normal vex I get 8 orbs.....hmmmm