originally posted in:BungieNetPlatform
Hey everyone. I started poking around post game stats a while back for fun, and ended up doing a class project on it. I think I've found some pretty neat patterns (like how often each team wins on each map to prove that some teams have an advantage on certain maps). Thought I'd leave it here for people to checkout.
[url=http://jalepeno112.github.io/DestinyProject/CrucibleDataAnalysis.html]Crucible Data Analysis[/url]
Also, the data and all of the code that I used is on my Github page if anyone else wants to play around with it.
[url=https://github.com/Jalepeno112/DestinyProject/]Crucible Data Analysis Repo[/url]
It's still a work in progress, but I don't have as much time to work on it as I would like and I wanted to post it before the data goes terribly stale. I would love to see what other people can make out of the data!
This is super cool. I've been spending time learning Python for work and it only hit me the other day that I could navigate the Destiny API with it. This is the kind of stuff I'd love to do to keep an eye on the Crucible meta and do other cool stuff. I'm a super noob when it comes to programming, however, so I've got a ways to go, but stuff like this motivates me. Cheers!
Very nice!