This needs to stop. If I bought the game for the same price as a PS4 owner why should I be treated unequal? This is complete discriminate towards Xbox users. Why this is even legal I don't understand. Its like a male (PS4 users) buys the game and a female (Xbox user) buys the game but the male gets more than the female simply because , well he's a guy. This is retarded. End of rant. Am I right? Vote below and if I get enough votes then Bungie and Activision needs to honor us.
Xbox is going to get all the weapons and maps once the contract between bungie and psn ends which is around taken king comes out
The superior console should keep getting the exclusives since it makes up the majority of the players
Wow THAT's not a loaded question/biased poll now is it? Anywho I own a 360 and I understand just how (well actually I can only imagine but that still counts) lucrative exclusives CAN be so I say go for it. I have a LOT to do and the exclusives have only made me want the Taken King even more.
Hey man, Sony bought it.
There making a profit people who are thinking to get a console is like well play station has destiny exclusive weapons and gear and Xbox doesn't I'll by a play station to tell Xbox that they can go suck a dick
I'm an Xbox player, but I think it's fine that they do this. They just shouldn't have to make us wait almost a year for such a large amount of content that ps players have had since launch or son after release
Everyone has to admit a year is too long. Exclusive should only be exclusive until the next batch of them drop per DLC/Expansion
Look on the bright side, come September you'll have access to a new strike plus Hawkmoon and Monte Carlo.
COD was doing that to ps4 players it's not a big deal. If you liked the game so much you should've went with a ps4! Sorry business will always work this way.
Okay I'm a xboxone player and I think this post is a waste of time. Do your homework before posting this crap kid.
Wow you and every Xbox player can be an idiot. Luckily there is this thing called "internet" where you can find out WHY you didn't get exclusives. Ignorance is no longer a crutch of society so please go back to school turn your system off.
Throw money at the screen
Bungie can't back out of contract
Exclusives are not going to stop if Microsoft or Sony keeps paying the publishers. I mean if I was activision or EA and Microsoft or Sony gives me 10m to make some bs exclusives for them. I will.
Lol. You are literally telling BungieVision to stop getting paid.
Feminist loser
Edited by FreeformAxis: 6/28/2015 11:54:41 PMThese petitions won't grant you the content. I get it. You are upset because there isn't enough content to start with, so cutting out a few things feels unfair. You and everyone else posting about this need to understand that a contract was signed. They can't break the contract simply because there is a petition.
Other games have console exclusives too, are you crying about those
Give Microsoft all your money so they can buy the exclusives
I'm an Xbox user and yeah it annoys me a little but Xbox has done the exact same thing to play station in the past in cod so I guess it's not that big of a deal since all those exclusives are temporary I just view those exclusives as just extra stuff that we will be getting in the taken king :) The new exclusive are just a few dumb shaders and stuff so whatever
Then tell Xbox to throw money at Luke Smith
The day Halo is released on PS4 I'll agree with you...until then buy both consoles.
Xbox always got exclusives, it's our turn now, Chaddup.
-blam!- ps4
I've got a question. With this rumor going around that year 1 weapons will be useless, what does that mean for timed exclusives? Will they also be useless although Xbox players have never used them?
It's called business. You're retarded if you don't understand that.