Sorry about my friends taking your child's spine and bones I thought it was pretty Fuked up though.
I'm young for an Ahamkara, but I still know more than the Nine want me to know. Many Guardians attempt to take me out every time they see me, but I am more intelligent than them. My only true friend is a Guardian that found me when I was much younger and kept me. He provided safety from the others who wish for my demise.
That was me. It is good to see you again my friend
Okay I'm glad your doing good I always wanted to meet one (alive that is)
You don't want to see me when I am enraged. I'm old enough to be able to harness the power of all of the elements. I can infuse Solar, Arc and Void energy into my talons and breath fiery plasma of each element. I use Solar energy more than anything else. In fact, I can throw a ball of Solar Plasma, similar to a Solar Grenade that the Warlocks use, at any given time. I can also light myself on fire and scorch everything around me without harming myself. I'm not even fully grown yet.
You sound fuking awesome
Thanks. Osiris did give me a name—Dawn.
That's a sick name, definitely suits you well
I have heard rumors of other Ahamkaras roaming out in the wild. I wish to see another one of my own kind again.
Well actually, I found one near my tree house it was a baby Ahamkara it was lost I tried to find her mother but I guess she left, so I took it in and I'm currently raising her she's very hostile towards other guardians and she just lives to play around with the solar energy from my golden gun it's adorable.
(Just to clarify, Dawn is a female. Just getting that out of the way.)
I figured (I have a friend named dawn)
Ahamkaras are extinct, save for a few survivors. You don't just find one lying around in a tree.
It's a forest out side of the wall there is a cave near it with a bunch on dead bodies of ahamkaras and hunter lying around, my best guess is that this one was resurrected some how by an unknown force
There is a cave on Venus that is the location of the first Ahamkara hunt. It is called the Garden of Bones. I remember flying around near that area and seeing something move in there. It definitely wasn't an Ahamkara though.
What do you think it was, and where is this cave located I feel the need to investigate
I think it was a Hive Thrall, and they aren't on Venus. That's what scared me. If the Hive are on Venus, we have a major problem.
Yes we do, anything I can do to help?
I don't know if there is. The Garden of Bones is a place of nightmares and darkness for any who traverse it. Some who enter do not return. The entire ground in there is filled with Ahamkara bones. You cannot walk in there without stepping on one. What's worse is that tendrils of the Darkness lurk in there, waiting for their prey to come into sight.
I see, hmm is there anything in their that would be of value to helping the ahamkaras that I could try and bring back, if there is ill go in there with every bit of light in me
Edited by Nightingale: 6/26/2015 7:40:01 AMOsiris and I have scouted the Garden of Bones and its dark depths. We have found nothing.
Oh i see, is there any other caves, strongholds, etc that I can explore for you to find out more information on how to resurrect the ahamkaras
They are nothing but bones now. There's nothing we can do.
What about you, I can't take a bit of DNA from you and try and clone it multiple times, sadly we don't any male ahamkaras left so I guess it would be impossible to repopulate the ahamkaras
I've heard rumors of another Ahamkara, he was raised by a legendary Hunter named Gage. You must have heard of Gage, right? The only surviving member of the Six Coyotes?
Yes I have heard of Gage he's very intriguing, also the gender of this other ahamkara what is it?