Although this is an old, already discussed problem, I believe that we can still change. I feel that the majority of players that play Destiny are under the appropriate age for shooters. I think this age should be 18 and over. I'll give you a few reasons.
1)It causes traumatic situations. I for one do not want my child flinching and screaming away every time they see somebody holding a sword.
2) It causes anti-social instincts to grow. When you think about it, the average session a child will play in Destiny is three to four hours. That's three to four hours where the only communication the are getting is with people they have met over the Internet. I don't want children growing older and being scared of every person they see.
3) It teaches them bad words. Every lobby I go into, there is always that person (usually a child) screaming curse words for no good reason. Where did they find out these words? From older players. If there was a minimum age, you would not have this problem. Children are getting angrier because of this game.
4) My final reason is that it causes violence. No 10 year old should be able to make another creatures head explode, or shoot other players virtually. What happens when that transfers to the real world? That anger and frustration would lead to much property being desecrated including
Mailbox Baseball
Laser Tag
TPing Houses
Egging Cars
Multiple holes in the wall from being punched.
ANY PERSON who do not follow these rules should be arrested with a minimum 2 year sentence.
Thank you all for the support you give me. I believe that a change to only 18 year olds and over would make the worlds youth safer and more intelligent than currently.
Anyone under the age of 12 playing Destiny should be shot in real life. Fox news is right and it's corrupting our youth. Such a young brain exposed to such corruption will surely turn out to be a bum liberal wellfare recipient or a shool shooter. Kill them before they grow.
Edited by Zer Agint ofNINE: 8/23/2015 4:01:40 AMI agree only for the fact that children annoy the shit out of me and I'd like them to not be able to play or at least not be able to use a mic
Sorry op, it starts with the parents who dont pay attention to the letter at the back of the case.
Nobody tries anymore...
What are you, my mom?
1) I would run from someone with a sword. That's pretty scary especially if the sword is big. And they look menacing. 2) Anti social behaviors I can see. But every game does that. But communication of any form in my book is not being anti social. There's different definitions of social. You can be outside and participating or inside and chatting. 3) In this game I've only ever heard Damn be said. I dont believe games cause children to cuss. It could be other games or their parents or other role models or friends. 4) there is violence in the game. It says that on the case. But there's violence in call of duty and 10 year olds play that. This game is T for Teen. Which is 13 and up. Now that penalty? 2 year jail sentence? No. No No.
Edited by AidenRed123: 8/22/2015 1:58:47 AMI agree, not only for destiny but for all violent video games! We really need to make sure kids aren't playing violent video games So I propose that every kid that plays a violent video games gets the death penalty because they are Likely to get the death penalty anyway when the go on a sick killsteak at a school when they are adults.
Wait how is Lazer Tag bad am I missing something or is this a joke.
Edited by Hwood98: 8/22/2015 3:43:40 AMIt starts with the parents. My son is 10, has been playing T rated games since he was 8. I check the games out and see if it is appropriate and decide there. He plays Destiny, i dont allow him to use a mic or join a fireteam when he does. Only M rated game he plays is Arkham Knight. He is by no means a violent or angry kid. I agree that kids shouldnt do mailbox baseball,due to it being dangerous and very illegal. An a no to egging cars as well as punching holes in walls. My kid stays out of trouble. Makes 1st honor roll every grading period and is active in sports all year. So my point is, It all is on the parents to teach the kid right and wrong. Hug them, praise them. Explain the situations of life.
I agree with child safety but its the parents fault if the child is playing something they shouldnt be
Honestly 16+ can totally handle what the community will throw at them but in the states we have it at 13+ so honestly if you are in a lobby with a young child please be respectful and mature.
Lol as someone who is 29 and started playing video games when I was 4. STFU
Lol the only person that's used the hashtag child safety. Just proves our point
Very poor troll in poor taste.
I'm hoping this is a joke. First of all, many of those "kids" who's mouths are sewers in the parties learn it from other places, such as school, friends and YouTube, not other players. It does not usually make people more violent (unless they are mentally unstable), and it does not make them more likely to commit crimes. If anything, it decreases the incentive to commit crimes because they're too busy playing games. Most juvenile offenders are not driven to do it by games, but by social and family issues... Also, 18 plus won't do anything, since 10 year olds play GTA V because their parents buy it for them because they don't realise what it's like. Destiny will probably not be made 18+ because it would lose serious amounts of customers. Rant over
I really hate you
Honestly, it wouldn't matter anyway. How many 10 year olds play GTA V, much less Destiny or COD. The rating isn't a rule, it's the recommendation from the ESRB (or whatever it is elsewhere) for parents to look at. Also, it's just the way the new generation is. And bit you said about the violence being transferred to real life? It's really bullshit, because studies have proved that crime had gone DOWN a decent amount ever since video games became a big part of the community.
I can go and watch the news and see more violence than all that was in destiny.
Well the main problem with your post is well most kids can tell the difference between reality and fantasy I mean it's also on the parents
Even though this is clearly a troll or overprotective moronic parent, ESRB states that it does not account for online interactions. Since destiny is an online only game then maybe it's up to the "responsible parent" to look into a game before purchasing it for their child. Just saying
I forgot about this thread. Thanks for the laugh, again!
Yall need a nap! Go to BED! [spoiler]No. NO JUICE! GET UP THEM STEPS B4 I BRAKE MY FOOT IN YOUR ASS!![/spoiler]
I hear more bad words in xbox you REARLY find anyone in game chat. It all depends on the people the kid is around and the parents he has. I learned every word i know from my mom and dad (don't say that parents are not supposed to speak like that or that yours didn't because trust me...the did/have/are/will) i know what you're saying though. I find like 20+ squeakers daily in destiny. Ok, i am 15 years old. I play destiny 3-4 hours and you are awesome for getting that correct *applause* (not sarcastic i mean it :)) but as i said it all depends i only play destiny with school friends and maybe random people on the other team in pvp but my team is almost always me and 5 friends. Saying that, i really haven't experienced any of that anti social stuff you're saying but thats just me, i appreciate you bringing this up again and commend you for taking it seriously (the troll posts have me sick).
Woah woah, since when do people go walking down the streets with swords?
Tping a house is almost a right of passage in some states lol so.....gatta give them that one lol
Edited by Level 2 on Easy: 8/16/2015 11:55:16 PMWell if you ever noticed, the game IS NOT INTENDED for ten year olds! It has an ESRB rating for a reason you idiot! That's bad parenting at its finest! Why would you buy your underaged kid a video game that has violence (knowing beforehand) and then complain about it being not suitable for them? Like, obviously! That's YOUR fault for putting a child in that position and YOU are guilty and NOT the community. ESRB ratings do not cover the online interactions as well, only the single player activities. I hope this is a satirical post before my head explodes at the idiocy of this post. I'm 21 and it isn't my job or duty to refrain myself for an underaged child. That's like putting a 12yr old in a strip club and then yelling at the owners! YOU DENSE MORON.