It wouldn't be this bad if it wasn't for the COD fanboys. Activision has dropped 3 flops in a row with COD yet it still sells like crazy. They were also the first company to put a 20$ price tag on dlc when everyone else was at 15$. And it was 4 maps!
I didn't mention any names in my post, but...;)
I remember looking at the dlc prices a couple years ago, were you aware that they were still trying to get full price on the World at War dlc? The game was 5 years old at the time. Thieves! I just don't understand how we could go from the company that brought us pitfall 2, one of the best Atari games, to the company that wants the rights to our first born children to play their games.
I started at MW2, but that doesn't surprise me, CoD stays expensive on the shelves always. Relentless greed pricing ha
I haven't bought a COD since Black Ops, nor will I be buying one anytime soon.