They sold out of the original amount of gamestop exclusive CE so they bumped up the amount lol. Even with all the distaste toward the game they're still selling out...
They not sold out because people canceling preorders lol
That would make me happy. But I wouldn't be surprised if they're actually selling out and adding more available copies.
I just don't see that man, people cant be THAT dumb, they cant.....who would buy......people man.....
They made the CE cost more? Price please? Yeah honestly the CE and legendary editions are fine price wise, its to get new players... no new player is gonna buy a random new game for $120 ha so just can't be f---king your loyal player base for extra $$ when the game was a 6.5/10 launch.
No, it doesn't cost more. Gamestop had sold out. Both consoles. Then 2 days later they weren't sold out anymore. So Activision probably just increased the number of available CE.
Because of the new players are interested. Watch, next year they see going to get Pissed off at Bungie at we will be sitting here laughing.
It's $20 for popcorn to eat while you watching [spoiler]watching is also $20[/spoiler] [spoiler]you can get both perks in a bundle for $50[/spoiler]
What does pricing have to do with this?
If you mean what I said, I'm poking fun at the introduction of micro transactions :P
Ahh, makes sense
For $80 just starting, that's not a bad deal. Especially if the new players can access the raids. There's enough content (now) for brand new players to stay busy for quite some time. So I'm worried that new players won't see things the way we do. Then there's always those Bungie fans that won't ever give up their crusade lol. No, I'm afraid they'll let us (year one players) fade into the background while focusing on making the experience enjoyable for the noobies.
They probably will do that to year one players. They practically already are. And yeah, the new players will see Bungie for who they really are next year. Then we will laugh
The black stuff is cool for VIP, I honestly like it, just don't charge me the price of a full game to continue slaying aliens.
I agree, unless there's some real incentives. Especially since we've been there from the start. Sure we gripe, sure we moan, but most of us just want to see the game improved. Didn't we help you realize which direction to go with Destiny? Is that not worth anything?
I don't even need special stuff I just need fair pricing given destiny's history on content thus far!
Oh I very much agree, we should be the ones getting the discount on the next expansion. It should be. All year one players get these no matter what: -year one emblem -year one shader -year one sparrow With no time limit, and no purchase required. And in addition there should be: 50% discount on TTK for our year one players as long as they purchase before (insert date). I mean putting a time limit on year one perks and locking them behind a purchase...really a slap in the face. So if I run into financial issues for a few months I'm suddenly not a year one player? Really a shitty decision there...
Yeah I recognised this earlier, I will be updating this thread (via big comment later on) stating other issues like that if I get time, its a JOKE VIP is behind a pay wall lmao