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6/27/2015 8:20:26 AM

My 'No Land Beyond' players

Anytime I run across another player in crucible running 'No Land Beyond' I have respect for that player. I personally find it to be one of the most powerful weapons in PVP when used with the proper loadout and secondary weapon. I wanted to create this thread to share what I've found to be the perfect loadout for me and find out what other 'no land beyond' players found to be their perfect loadout. CLASS: Hunter SUBCLASS: Bladedancer -------- IMPORTANT SUBCLASS PERKS: FLUX GRENADE - Helps protect you in close quarters when you miss your first shot or being charged BLINK JUMP: if your first shot doesn't kill your opponent the animation time for reload and blink are nearly the same so once you recover from blink your gun will be ready to shoot without leaving you vulnerable. FAST TWITCH: No land beyond is perfect for long to mid range so having your blink strike melee ready is clutch for when you are be if charged. QUICK DRAW: Provsbly thee most important perk and the reason I use no land beyond with my hunter. being able to switch weapons and fire immediately is important for follow up shots with your secondary when you miss the headshot. HUNGERING BLADE: Combined with fast twitch this is crucial for close engagements and helps regenerate your health when you kill an enemy with blink. ------- NO LAND BEYOND PERKS: ACCURIZED BULLETS: Since the weapon fires one shot between reloads, impact and range is more important than soft ballistics. LIGHTWEIGHT: Combined with the subclass perks listed above, lightweight is the most beneficial perk that will help you strafe faster when aiming down your sights. Most of my kills are when I anticipate an enemy rounding a corner. ------ SECONDARY WEAPON: My secondary varies based on map size. for small maps I run MATADOR SHOTGUN, medium maps I run SPLIT SHIFTER PRO FUSION and large maps VESTIAN DYNASTY sidearm for long range follow up shots when you hit an enemy. Any shotgun with high impact or fusion with short charge rate will work. ------ IMPORTANT ARMOR; KNUCKLEHEAD RADAR: Having radar active at all times is important when using NLB. every shot counts so being able to anticipate enemies before they round corners allows you to pre scope head level for instant kills. when playing rumble or control this in invaluable LUCKY RASPBERRY: When playing skirmish, trials or revive based games spawning with a grenade is invaluable for sticking enemies with flux grenade when you miss your shot. INTELLECT, DISCIPLINE, STRENGTH: purchase gear with high intellect and discipline. since I am using fast twitch perk, there is no need for having strength based armor. RECOMMENDED ARMOR PERKS: Increases melee attack speed, grenade kills replenish super energy, increased grenade throw distance, more ammo for special weapons. ----- FINAL TIPS: - After every shot or kill switch to your secondary weapon to protect yourself while your gun animation reloads. - When aiming use the right stick to raise gun head level and left stick to strafe for accurate kills. many people make the mistake of trying to aim with primarily the right stick. ---- Now that you have heard from me I'm curious to hear some of the loadouts you guys use when running no land beyond.

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  • Edited by lickwid elite: 6/27/2015 3:52:16 PM
    [u]A not so exotic poem[/u] Love it or hate it.... the No Land Beyond A marmite gun... of which I'm not fond I have respect for those who weild this gun I just cant stand the reload animation The bullets from this gun do hit like bricks But you only have 1 kill while im on +6 Bungie soon came up with a solution A gun that has its own evolution Yes... i'm talking about husk of the pit But we soon realised it was just shhh..WORSE Exploding enemies like they were cursed... With 42 rounds... thinking "this could be fun" It became known as the marshmallow gun That tops the list of terrible exotics When along came another... firing solar flared rockets With out any tracking the gun was dubbed LAME seriously guys..... you forget how to aim? With a slick paint job it's weapon porn But not a patch on the Gjallahorn There was a twist in the tale... for another god like gun It ruled iron banner... and we easily won The weapon in question is Suros Regime With its health regen, keeping us keen The noobs flooded in and cried for a nerf To bury the gun under the turf And one day.... the nerfer's came Stripping its stability, impact and range This broken gun.... is used no more I'd like to say... careful what you wish for!! What to do with these guns... the decision is hard Running out of storage... an exotic shard?? No, they sit in my vault, amongst the lint and the fluff In the hopes of one day... recieving a buff!!

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    2 Replies
    • Edited by JZT524: 6/28/2015 2:29:10 AM
      For like 2 hours today, I ran around playing clash while using gunslinger, NLB,(which I made a lot of headshots with, party crasher, (for close quarters) and corrective measure, which demolishes enemies For the gunslinger, I run incendiary grenades, incendiary throwing knife, and a high armor/agility build. I also use a lot of strength and discipline

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    • You don't need to switch to secondary to let the reload animation play. If you press reload after you shoot then sprint forward it cancels out the animation and you can fire right away again

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    • I actually change my sticks so that I can strafe left and right and look up and down with one stick.

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    • Edited by RiFLeMaNe: 6/27/2015 6:17:20 PM
      Accurized ballistics, Snapshot. Knucklehead Radar QuickDraw I personally just don't like blink, I use the directional control jump. Then I'll just use my Party Crasher. Never really had the need to change it up. Might try a fast charging Fusion at some point for shits and giggles. I have a mean Plug One but the charge is pretty slow.

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    • Real NLB fanatics use another sniper in their secondary. E.g.

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    • side arm for long range? you're joking right?

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    • Edited by Kimchi Shadow: 6/27/2015 6:33:01 PM
      I apologize for the Spam

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    • 1
      I love using no land beyond! I pretty much use everything you listed also. I just ran into a player who was rocking NLB and he was just pooping on me.

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    • 1
      NLB is a lot of fun to use, I prefer running gunslinger with Vestian Dynasty as my secondary. The side arm helps when you're in a pinch and almost always has ammo when you need it.

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    • Edited by easydoesitEZ: 6/27/2015 4:43:09 PM
      Just tried using NLB for the first time last night. I suck at crucible but I was actually doing better with it than anything else lol. Didn't really put any thought in to my load out. Was definitely a lot of fun to use.

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    • Already use all these tips :p

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    • My favorite part of using it is creaming them thorns

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    • Nlb has been my primary weapon ever since december. Have over 12,000 kills with 78% precision kills. I usually run with knucklehead radar as it is important to see whos around you. You have like a 3 second wait time between shots (if you are not using the glitch) so knowing if there are multiple people by you can help you determine what to do next. I also use bladedance, but instead, I go for invisibility. It helps with getting kills easier as well as having that extra second for the enemy to have to figure out your location. I dont use my super unless Im being pushed or threatened.

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      1 Reply
      • Been ranking it up. It's a fun gun to use. I am a pve player, but I still enjoy it. I like guns because of the look and feel of the weapon. I am a collector of exotics. No Land Beyond feels very exotic.

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      • I run NLB on my Titan a lot. Throw people off guard. Lmao.

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      • I'm a no land beyond user too. One of my favorite load outs is: Blade dancer Maxed out agility with the extra speed boost Light weight on the nlb Radiant dance machines You can hop in and out of cover extremely fast while still aiming down the sights. Helps you pick people off with head shots a lot safer.

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      • Kewl.. thanks! ;)

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      • This is so cool

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      • Hey this is great! We need more tutorials like this!

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      • OK lets be honest, you CAN do good with No Land Beyond, but ANY other sniper will do better. I've used a lot of snipers, I can do kind of ok with NLB, but it's not worth using just so you can have a shotgun. If you really want a shotgun, use universal remote, its a great shotgun. Or use the kill-you-before-you-fire-your-gun The Last Word, its better than a shotgun in every way that matters

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      • A player with respect took 9 months to find you on Destiny! Thanks by the way.

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      • Edited by Kansas1297: 6/27/2015 3:58:49 PM
        I love playing no land beyond we run pretty much the same setup except I use arc bolt grenades, to kill people around corners if I hit a body shot and they try to hide. I run snapshot on the gun instead of lightweight so I can use the perk that increases sprint speed and slide distance. Edit: I also love the fact that absolutely no one can bitch to you about being cheap when you kill them. I've gotten messages from matchmade teammates like "bro I thought you were joking with that thing at first, nice job."

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      • I played with NLB for first time yesterday, fun as fvck, no kidding, was really fun, I almost crap myself when I headshoted one guy at close range lol (like fusion rifle range) Nevertheless, it still need a huge buff

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      • Please reply for later. I'm trying to git gud with NLB, so far my matches are 1.0 with it on control.

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