I thought this needed to be shared. I mean look at that fvcking damage. All credit goes to joshy for his video, I'm just spreading the word.
Edit: here's another fun one http://i.imgur.com/gfpGRKa.gif
Edit 2: holy hell, this thread just got hit by a Clash of Clans gold seller spammer. That's a new one.
While this is a very good exotic, it is still situational. If they're going to keep up with the shoulder charge themed exotics, they should make one that extends the reach of it. It would be [b]VERY[/b] good in pvp as most shoulder chargers would know that 1 out of ever 5 times they go for the charge, their target is a [i] tiny[/i] bit away. Another good one would be to make you be unkillable while in shouldercharge mode. It would reduce the amount of rages induced by shotgunnners killing you with a tap right before you hit. These might become overpowered though, so I would only make it so that you only get to use the unkillable perk if they were at max health before you charge, otherwise everyone would be shoulder charging everywhere in order to escape gunfire.