I'm here to set the world ablaze.
200 Vanguard marks for 1 Etheric Light
200 Crucible marks for 1 Etheric Light
This would have an automatic weekly cap since you can't earn 200 a week.
Boom. Best idea ever made. Bring it.
EDIT: I want to thank everyone for their support for this idea. Even the people who disagreed politely. I have no illusions that this idea will ever be implemented, but it's still nice to see that I'm not the only person here who thinks this could work.
Thanks again for the support and keep bumping and liking this post.
[b]EDIT: Etheric Light is no longer viable as Bungie has lost their damn minds and won't be allowing us to ascend legendary gear.[/b]
Nope. It is already way too easy to get.
Why does the world need to be set ablaze? -shrugs
This is a great idea, but in addition to marks, make it so it costs upgrade materials also.
Dude great idea, what about exotic shards for etheric light too?
Edited by BoomerSooner51: 7/23/2015 4:44:58 PM196 likes and still not trending BUMP
Ohhhhhh you're a noob and want the easy path I see!!!! It all makes since. You "I am a level 32 and get etheric light wah wah wah."
This, bump
Very good Idea! How many times have I purchased items with marks just to dismantle and get under the cap!
Boomer Sooner! Bump
I earn 200 marks weekly, what do you mean you can't???
Edited by angryneuron: 7/23/2015 4:49:07 PMXur should sell I etheric light per week for 25 strange coins.
YES I keep maxing out my marks
That would be awesome! I have all the stuff I need from PoE (except for the dregs promise) and I would like to have a different way than just that (nf and trials) to get the etheric light
Edited by COLDasICE MEDIC: 7/28/2015 1:11:24 PMthen we could use all our excess marks for something that matters
Well guess I'm the minority with excess Etheric light. Have close to 30 now and have ascended everything worth ascending
I didn't preorder TTK BUMP
Great idea. Can anyone answer what will happen after TTK comes out on what will I have to my weapon's attack? Do I have get even more etheric light to upgrade them to the new attack level? Is getting e light all for nothing right now? Should I hold on to e light until then as to not upgrade it it twice?
Trad it for 15 motlight
status report….. I don’t know - old