In theory, how much would you pay to add one of your personal ideas to the game for everyone to use.
Personally, I would pay $60 for custom matchmaking options for PvP. What would you pay?
[spoiler]Inb4 "He's secretly Bungie asking so they can add it as DLC".[/spoiler]
Also now that ive seen the spoiler... Assuming this is true... I would like to inform you that i have large amounts of documents of ideas andresearch as well as interviews and reviews (theres a lot more catagories but i dont wanna keep us here all say now ) i have a poll that does list them all off though... The one with 100% yes... Not the other one... The other one doesnt list the stuff. If anything peaks you or the teams intrest... Hit me up on the app sometime
$150 and make a massive dlc that would add stuff like (one of the other towers to my design -and- a giant patrol on jupiters moon 4× regular size with patroling devil walkers and bombing runs as well as a full scale battleground between fallen and hive. assuming im using their stuff and that the 100 is not my budget but just the fee to use the team for a one shot