With all of the Bungie hate going around I have decided to pay for 5 Guardians $20's VIP package. Obviously you must be a year 1 player...
In one sentence state why you should be selected and when the release is out I will send you an PSN or XBOX code for $20's.
There is no catch as I am doing this just to pay it forward...
Before I start getting all this hate/questions of my integrity of if this is true or not. Ask anyone of my clans man of DoubleTapYaHead and they will tell you it's legit. I've bought full games for some of my members because they were down on their luck.
********This is for the $20 add on for the year 1 players********
With all the responses I have decided to select the Guardians as I go. I will announce a winner on the 1st of July, 15th of July, 1st of August and 15th of August.
the underw0rld I have messaged you the code... Good luck Guardian
Edited by OG Mushroomage: 6/28/2015 6:55:07 PMI'm a year one player, but was a little late with starting in October. Money has always been tight, especially with me about to start college in a few weeks. My mom is the only worker, because my dad is legally blind (Retinitis pigmentosa). A family with one job that only pays $49K a year: not enough. I'm lucky enough to own game systems because my friends know my situation and when they upgrade their systems to the new gen, they gave me their old ones, and the games with it. Edited to add more info added because I'm back at home now with wifi