Obama used the banning of the confederate flag and the legality of gay marriage to secretly pass a law to make him a dictator.
It was a really effective way to distract blacks, rednecks, gays, straights, religious people, and basically everyone. The new law made it so only a small amount of people are required to pass a law. Basically, all citizens could vote no, but the banks and big businesses can vote yes, and have just a small amount of yes's, but still pass the law. Good game Obama... Trans-Pacific Partnership
He also passed SOPA and a few other things, as well as an attempt to remove workers rights. See the links on the left of the site.
PRESIDENT Obama? You mean EMPEROR Obama? It's all been a sham. A plot to wrest control of the Republic from the senate. Look up order 66. Obama=Sith-lord confirmed.
Hehe Sopa means soup in spanish...
I predict when weeds legalized that's around the time they will start passing things so they can have Marshall law
*quietly begins forging citizenship papers for Canada* You saw nothing.
oh my gosh what can we do?
Thanks Obama!
Osama bin obama is a great dictator atleast sorry sadam but u just werent good enough
Eventually if this continues he will die! (Not complaining)
Mean while all the idiots on here are post their gonna have to pay 40 bucks for the Takken King dlc but in reality will all be lucky if there's still public access to the Internet in late September.
Obama is actually controlling the populace through subliminal messaging in memes. All the pepes of the Internet have been contaminated by Obamas meme brigade
I've been trying to find more info on the tpp bill....not much but speculation.
The law wasn't secretly passed. If you follow politics at all, you knew all about this. It [u]was[/u] being negotiated behind closed doors, mostly by big business interests. It was heavily opposed, and barely passed, but a pass is a pass. Big corporations and banks threw a TON of money at politicians to get a yes vote. If you're a top 1% of America, this is a great bill. If you're anyone else, this is bullshit. Luckily most people "don't give a shit" about politics so things like this cause minimum public outrage. [spoiler]it disgusts me that people are too fuc[b][/b]king stupid to take interest in the future of the country when it actually affects them, but are all over bullshit that affect less than 5% of people or literally noone.[/spoiler]
Atleastsomeone else knows the truth Infowars supporters
[quote]secretly pass a law[/quote] This dude really sucks at keeping secrets.
Happy days. Everyone's -blam!-ed.
The Phantom Pain?
I expect Obama to declare marshal law sometime during the jade helm 15 exercise to usher in the new world order. This is just another step in that direction.
I'm not going to disagree and say this is fake...but you're sure this is legit?