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6/25/2015 12:24:57 AM

Super Balancing for TTK, mostly about Nightstalker but will discuss others soon. As well as exotic gear.

So this is my first forum post about my opinions with Destiny. So please don't bite my head off, I mean these with the best intentions. As I mentioned in the title of this post, it's mostly about my ideas for the Nightstalker subclass for Hunters that NEED to be in the game to make TTK not be even close to somewhat disappointing like the DLC Expansions have been thus far. I will eventually talk about Titan's and Warlock's, but as I used main Hunter and have spent the better part of this last fiscal year realizing their short-comings and have moved to the Warlock class, I feel it's about time to express myself. I completely disagree with the folks at Planet Destiny when they say things like "Hunters are easily the best class for PvP" because they're simply not, nor are they that great for PvE. The Hunters can't magically heal themselves when they pop they're super like the titans can with FOH, or self rez like Radiance, nor do any of they're melees mystically punch through walls, amongst other things, like the Warlocks. Now, before I start saying what I'd love to see and what needs to happen to the Nightstalker class, I'll just simply say "WOW". Bungie has done a far better job balancing out these subclasses and making them actually feel like what the titles of the classes are. However, some things just don't fit. The Nightstalker subclass seems really fun to play around with, the tethering ability of the super really seems to be a good idea. However the problem is that it's only one shot. That's really lame(for no wanting to use less polite words). It needs to have more shots in it! Bungie seems to finally have learned that supers that are One Hit Wonders, like FOH and Nova Bomb, just aren't really worth it for Titans and Warlocks. SO they should make all supers not One Hit Wonders. And I personally think that these subclasses shout be the One class to rule them All, and in Destiny 2 only have ONE "sublass" for each class. But more on that later, possibly. For the record, Shadowshot seems to have a good idea, but again, it's a One Hit Wonder Super. My idea is to do what Bungie should've kept in the game for Golden Gun and make the Shadowshot have 6 shots. Yes that's correct 6 shots, maybe only 5 but I think 6 shots is perfect. All 6 shots have the ability to kill and tether enemies in both PvE and PvP. BUT, you can combine you 6 shots into stronger shots at the cost of 1-all shots. Remember Nightstalker uses a bow, so allow the hunters to be able to do heavy draws. One quick pull/release of the RT shoots one shot, which kills the opponent, if aimed at one, and tethers 2 or 3 enemies, but if the player holds RT for however long he/she wants, she draws back the string for a heavier draw and combines 2 shots to make a bigger more powerful one and a small bonus, and grant the Keyhole ability(that actually functions the way it's supposed to) if a headshot/precision shot is achieved. However there's less Aim Assist/shot magnetism on the SS, making it require the player to be steadier, and generally more skillful to use. Or the player can combine 3 shots to make one, 4 shots, 5 shots, and even all 6 shots. Each time a shot is combined, the bigger the bonus/tether the shot'll have. Little vibrations can be the indicators to how heavy the draw is and get stronger as you hold in RT. As each shot gets more powerful the more enemies can be tethered, and the longer the tethers are placed one them. Of course the all 6 shots combination turns the shot into more of a boss killer, so let it be that. Or allow the boss to be held in place so that the Titans and Warlocks can go mayhem on it's ass. This in my opinion will allow the hunter to be more helpful to the Titans and the Warlocks in PvE and there'd be more groups of enemies for the 2 other classes to chain their supers into. Makes for a new take on tactics the game doesn't seem to really have, and utilizes the 3 man fireteam a bit more, allowing players who communicate to tell the Hunters to do a 2 or 3 shot tether on a group of elites to by time for the Titan to use it's Hammer throw, or allow the Warlock to chain lightning into them. It allows this to happen to any groups of enemies; as well as tethering the Boss of a strike to by time for the other classes do either do damage to the adds, heal or retreat. Obviously some players like to play alone, so let the SS have lots of damage depending on how long you hold the RT. My ideas for damage ratios are: 1 shot kills any red-health enemy(basic), 2 shots w/ no headshots kill every yellow(major/elite)enemies up to captains, w/ headshots kills captains and grants keyhole, and so on and on. You all get the picture hopefully. 4/5 shots drop or seriously hurt ultras/named enemies, and 6 shots is the boss killer, but it's not a one shot that'll be unfair. It'll kill a boss, depending on what kind of boss it is, around the 25% mark. IF, IF it's a precision shot. I call the 1 shot combined of six shots the Big Game Killer. Bungie can all ways make the 4/5/6 shots a little less powerful, but the 2,3 combined shots should remain the same as I layed them out. Another idea would be to have it so there's not time limit to the Hunters once the super is activated, allowing the users to have the time it'll take to combine the shots. However, they can't heal. Once the super is activated, they get all the health restored, and a little bit of armor, or a vortex shroud cloacking/protecting them. But when they take damage they can't heal themselves until they've used theyre supers. Tey can use the melee and grenades, but can't heal. This is just a suggestion that I think really brings down the hunters so they don't seem OP. In PvP it'll be a really good balancing technique. Now for the class itself, we can discuss this later, I'm running out of space. Now my last idea for change would be to make the Bow itself look a bit different. A bright purple bow, looks a little prissy and really girly for a character that's spent so much time in the wilderness and amongst the remains of a destroyed civilzation. DO make the bow a midnight black/blue/deep deep violet colour, and the arrow purple. Makes it seem more badss and deadlier. Kind of a more Orion the Hunter feel. Which brings me to another point, give the Hunters a perk called Orion's belt, which allows them to carry more ammo for all weapon types or something. That's a huge huge HUGE reference Bungie hasn't done yet. And it has to be for Hunters only. Titans can have a greek god/titan reference, like Kronos' will or something. Warlocks can have a sith lord reference, but hunters need the Orion the Hunter. Finally, this brings my rant to a close. I apologize for my articulation, if any of it comes across as rude, I'm only a little sorry. These changes do sound a little OP, but they're really not considering what is already in the game. It'll make the game way way way more fun for all players finally. And it'll allow the enemies to be changed a bit as well. Remember, we'll be fighting enemies with these abilities too from the sounds/looks if it. Plus what's more badass then seeing a 3 man fire team chilling and walking around together in they're own supers. NO MORE ONE HIT WONDERS! They're useless in the long run. My idea for the exotic gear is simple. Allow us to wear all exotic gear, all weapon slots, all armour slots. They're not much better than legendary gear and don't change the game too much. Make it harder to obtain them then, no more Xur farming if that needs to happen. And introduce Exotic Class Items that actually do stuff. i know class items are starting to do certain things, but they're telementaries from the looks/sounds of it. So awesome... not really. Maybe make it so you can carry more ammo, or for exotics allow all classes to turn invis for a little bit when they stand still. Or have certain ones make you do more damage with certain special weapons. For exotics only, and exotics would be really hard to get. Just ideas though, most important is changing the Nighstalker class to have the 6(or 5) shots and be able to make heavy draws. As well as the smoke grenade/throwing knife, and the Orion's Belt perk. With these Hunters will now be able to play with the big dogs in the park. Hunters will actually be the wolves that we hunter players were promised from Day 1. Thank you for your perseverance in reading all of this. It' really means a lot to me, please don't bite my head off. I just really want to play the hunter I was promised and fell in love with during the promos for this game. Please if you want to discuss anything further, Ike Feldon is my gamertag(don't judge), hit me up anytime. Especially if you're a bungie employee, lol. thank you

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  • Yes, I read the whole thing. This wall of text though is very unpleasing to the eye. Separate your ideas into paragraphs and space them apart. Judging from your idea, it seems as though you simply want a variant of Golden Gun for the new Hunter subclass, which I disagree with. Shadowshot gives the Hunter a Super ability that provides supportive capabilities that the other Hunter subclasses lacks in both PvE and PvP. Its a "One Hit Wonder" because Hunters already have two sustained Supers but lack a "Panic Super". I'd rather have a new subclass with a new playstyle than a new subclass that plays too similar to the old ones, in this case, too similar to Gunslinger. Plus there is already a perk that gives you 2 additional shots after using your first initial Shadowshot, which is somewhat similar to your idea of having multiple Shadowshots.

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