Obviously destiny has a better forum since you're still on here
Obviously it's too fun pissing people off here
I just find it funny when people complain about destiny and say X game is so much better...but they're still on the destiny forums
This isn't the destiny forums idiot this is bungie forums
When I click category and I click destiny, those are destiny forums. When I click category and click bungie, those are bungie forums. Now who's the idiot
That's a sub section of the bungie forums that does not mean that this is the destiny forums. This is bungie.net not destiny.net you dult
I'm using the destiny app not the bungie app. So therefore the topic is in the forums in destiny category on the destiny app. I feel like you're not getting it, like you're not using your brain to its full potential. Probably why you're talking about a non destiny game, in the destiny forums...or bungie forums if you can't tell the difference
*sigh* looks like I can't help brainless desticles. Have fun being a pathetic waste of space
Ok buddy. Next time make sure you're on the right forums...I'll send you hooked on phonics if you need help
Whose only intellectual property is destiny.
You're joking right
Actually yeah I'm wrong. I honestly completely forget Myth and their other stuff before halo. Though they don't own halo. It's their most well known property now.