Had a teacher that would just straight up watch porn during work time in class. I know this because one time, he turned on a computer projector and one of his tabs said pornhub. He then said, "oops, better fix that." He got fired once the school year was over.
Was his name either Michael Jackson or Garry Glitter?
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
I had a substitute teacher that came in regularly and he was the same way, he also fell asleep in class once
[quote]Had a teacher that would just straight up watch porn during work time in class. I know this because one time, he turned on a computer projector and one of his tabs said pornhub. He then said, "oops, better fix that." He got fired once the school year was over.[/quote] XD
Oops better fix that lmao