I tap my comma to the same frequency m
[b]The message is fuzzy, but you can make out the words.[/b] [i]///Nine Bravo, Imperial forces, requesting backup against Ignus forces! Everything you've go— holy DAMN, what the HELL IS THAT THING?!?! Oh shit, nonononononono|>>}%?///[/i] [b]The communications cut out after a series of gory noises and screaming.[/b]
Edited by SwarmIntellect: 6/30/2015 3:28:51 PM*i tap my coms to the same frequency as the distress call*
[b]The message is fuzzy, but you can make out the words.[/b] [i]///Nine Bravo, Imperial forces, requesting backup against Ignus forces! Everything you've go— holy DAMN, what the HELL IS THAT THING?!?! Oh shit, nonononononono|>>}%?///[/i] [b]The communications cut out after a series of gory noises and screaming.[/b]
Edited by SwarmIntellect: 6/29/2015 4:22:39 PM*i swipe the holo-projected image, enchanting it in front of me, showing a large holo-map of the possible areas of origination* Coordinates please.....
[b]It's a mountain range to the east, 12 miles.[/b]
Edited by SwarmIntellect: 6/29/2015 5:00:00 PM*my 4 cyber wings unfold, the centurium in them begins combining, forming 2 larger wings lined with purple fire, I then rocket off to the coordinates*
[b]The closer you approach, the more you feel like something's wrong. Your wings begin to feel heavy.[/b]
Edited by SwarmIntellect: 6/29/2015 8:43:11 PM*i continue flying, the purple flames lining my wings burns bigger & brighter, aiding in my flight* Ignus.....of course....anything else would be to complicated.....
[b]You reach the mountain. The coordinates seem to originate from the summit, obscured by a thick layer of clouds.[/b]
*i land on the mountain side, my cyber wings fold away into slots in my back, I then begin running up the mountain side*
[b]You approach the summit, passing the layer of clouds... What happens next makes no sense. It's raining up. Droplets of water fall up from the clouds, into the sky. Small streams flow up to the summit. You still have aways to go.[/b]
Edited by SwarmIntellect: 6/30/2015 10:28:14 PM*i stop and look around, I then snap my visor up revealing my hollow skull/face, it then snaps down and I continue running up the side of the mountain*
[b]The tiny "rivers" floating upwards seem to collect into a large spire of water. A figure seems to be in the center.[/b]
*i continue running and then reach the top of the mountain*
[b]You reach the summit. The small streams converge into a massive pillar of water, spiraling upwards. A humanoid silhouette can be seen in the torrent. Awaken it?[/b]
Edited by SwarmIntellect: 6/30/2015 11:16:09 PM*i approach the figure* Hmph..... [spoiler]yes, awaken it.....[/spoiler]
Edited by SwarmIntellect: 7/1/2015 2:24:50 AM*six centurium katanas in advanced metal sheaths form just above my thighs, 3 on the left side, 3 on the right* Ok.... *i draw the top L&R and get into stance* [b][i][u][url=http://example.com]LETS DANCE!!![/url][/u][/i][/b] [b][u]It has to be this way[/u] starts playing[/b]
[b]...///BATTLE, START.[/b]
*the purple flowing through my structure flows faster* [b]//magnetic matrix; status_active/-[/b]
Edited by Devious_Melons: 6/29/2015 3:52:40 PMA squadron of F-∆ scouts are sent to investigate, regular F-∆s follow