[b]The Aura reaches the top of the mountain... And suddenly, images flash through your mind. A Neon City, bright and happy. A dystopian future, the hungry praising their rulers for their "feasts." A king with a snake wrapped around his arm. And a spider, cackling in glee.[/b]
*wakes upf romt rance* that was...weird...feels familiear yet as if it had never existed. ARM you saw anthing? (ARM) not a thing.
It's been how long since we fought beside each other? Cause I don't remember you talking to an arm
Amr is the demon lor dof war i host. he manifest as a slim mechanical amr with an eye at will bu he can talk wihtotu doing so. he is odler thna me and knows much he was born ever since man first injured man.
And why have demon lords decided to involve themselves with humans, they only think of us as food.
I killed him when i was sended to the underworld. as a reward i was offered a contract. "host the fallen lord of War, and youl be granted, eternal life, youth, hte pwoer of destruction. and a way out of hell* I only host hsi soul as he lack a body. he cna manifest as hismelf in the underworld but only into a weak physical body. we coudl say i am its body guard
Demons are cunning, you watch yourself around them. Anyway, what now?
Not all of em are that bad. Something showed to me a vision of the future dystopian city and a kin with a snake to his neck and a spuder alsi
*laughs* if ninja were here he'd freak out, he hates spiders
Edited by Wretched Cain: 6/29/2015 7:06:43 PM[b]You approach the summit, passing the layer of clouds... What happens next makes no sense. It's raining up. Droplets of water fall up from the clouds, into the sky. Small streams flow up to the summit. You still have aways to go.[/b]
Many people di
[b]You approach the summit, passing the layer of clouds... What happens next makes no sense. It's raining up. Droplets of water fall up from the clouds, into the sky. Small streams flow up to the summit. You still have aways to go.[/b]
ok...jsut to amke sure. il anchor myself to the gorund jsut if gravity go troll on us... *pulls a n anchro and anchors hismelf*
[b]Gravity only seems to affect the water. The closer you get to the summit, the more you can make out. The tiny "rivers" floating upwards seem to collect into a large spire of water. A figure seems to be in the center.[/b]
*follows rivers*
[b]You reach the summit. The small streams converge into a massive pillar of water, spiraling upwards. A humanoid silhouette can be seen in the torrent. Awaken it?[/b]
i dont like htis... *its on the ground and meditates to inspect the area*
[b]Meditation yields the feeling of being underwater.[/b]
For ...he who seeks peace msut pass throguht the storm...... *meditates to feel anyhting around him* [spoiler]he will burst berzerk if he meditates for 2 logn Sal cant swim......[/spoiler]
[b]There's nothing except the underwater feeling.[/b]
*stops meditating and takes deep breath* wahts with thsi palce.... *aprahces the siluete*
[spoiler]seriusly i dont rmemeber shit......:P[/spoiler]
[spoiler]lol[/spoiler] *Robber, did you find him*