Went flawless this week without using Thorn, TLW, Efrideets, or Felwinters. AMA
Red Death
Her Benevolence
The Dreamwaker
Oh and also I was playing as a Titan...And I didn't use my mercy boon.
Edit 1: lol nobody has actually asked me anything but I do like everyone sharing what setup they used to go flawless (without using the aforementioned weapons)! I've already learned some new stuff!
Edit 2: I use Red Death with snapshot perk, not high caliber rounds.
Edit 3: Most of you are missing the point of this post. I didn't make this to say "I'm so good, look at me", because I'm not great at this game and I know it. I'm average and I still went flawless (4 times now) without using a weapon that I see everyone complaining about on the forums. I contributed to a good team. Red Death is badass. Xur literally just sold it so if you are looking for a badass weapon that's arguably better than Thorn or TLW, I hope you bought Red Death (if you didn't already have it!). That's why I made the post.
Edit 4: Wow I'm extremely surprised at how many people don't read the entire post, but then comment.
Red death is a two three round burst kill. It recoils up to a headshot so it's still OP. Go flawless with a suros or any other AR then brag about it. And if you haven't gotten flawless at least once already idk what to tell you. This map the past weekend for trials was way too easy. And also this map favored the red death because of the proximity you can engage the enemy.