For the House of Wolves card, try starting up the Ishtar Collective story mission. The unlock condition for this card was updated in February, but after a quick look through your game history, it doesn't look like you've played that story mission since that update.
For Elimination, the card itself didn't unlock for me until I played the Elmination game type when it was available a few weeks ago. Trials round wins count for this card's tiers, but the card itself did not appear in the grimoire from Trials of Osiris games.
The Ishtar collective mission worked! Thanks again!
Elimination Game type? Isn't that just the Trials?
Trials is elimination mode, but there are separate grimoire cards for them. Trials of Osiris has a card, and the Elimination mode itself has a card that only unlocks when you play the non-trials version of that mode. Elimination has been available one week so far. The Elimination card has tiers for round wins (like rumble, skirmish, control, clash, and salvage have tiers for match wins). Round wins in Trials of Osiris count for these, but the card itself doesn't unlock from Trials.
Okay, well hopefully it is in this weeks lineup.
Okay. I will try the story mission later. I thought the elimination may have been triggered by the regular game mode. Good to know. Thanks for the help!