The witcher 3 got 1000 viewers on twitch, destiny got 10 000. LOL
The Withcer 3 is dead, the numbers speak for themselves, its beside Skyrim after 1 month.
But I guess you've already bought The Witcher 4
Your gonna talk about games based on twitch viewers? You must love MOBAs.
And youre saying that witcher 3 is better just because [b]you[/b] dont enjoy the PVP part of destiny? And yeah I think twitch is a good source when comparing destiny and the withcher. I remember a lot of streamers playing it, but after one play through they put it on the shelf, like 90% of the other players. Maybe youre not one of them, but that doesnt make the witcher 3 a better gamr
No, just that the witcher's content doesn't rely in pvp, besides, if you use twitch as a measurement for quality, LOL Dota and WoW are the best games ever.
Lol, now you sound like a idiot, wow and dota ARE some of the best games ever, why do you think so many people like them? And I'm comparing destiny to tje withcher, not to wow or dota. The Witcher doesnt give us anything new, just nice graphics
Dota's a F2P moba, come on now... besides what does destiny bring of new?