Hey friends,
My name is Mike "Mtashed" Tash , and today I want to bring you something to improve your game.
While this post won't be a guide itself, I will instead link you to every guide I have written on reddit, as well as post links to multiple videos I have created in an attempt to help you improve!
I want to add some higher quality posts to the forums, and hope that you will join me in some in depth discussion to help me improve in my content for you all!
If you have questions, AMA. I am here all day to help :)
Written Guides:[/b]
"Why Trials is Harder than any other playlist":
"Old Trials Guide":
"Please stop shotgunning, It is making us worse":
[b]Video Guides from my Crucible School:[/b]
Crucible School Videos:
"Fight or Flight":
"Meta Game":
"Super analysis";
"Amazing Sniper game on Sun Singer":
"1500 Point Throwing Knife comback"
My first Montage has some decent plays:
I am not the best in the world, but I have some pretty solid stats, and game knowledge.
If you have any questions, feel free to ask away!
Ttyl Friends,
Saw you on PlanetDestiny's Black Shield Trials Tips video. Cool to see you on Bungie forums.