*goes to tower*
*activates arc blade still invis*
*kills everyone*
*rescues cayde*
*hot wires your ghost to stop being yours*
Edited by The Arkwolf: 6/30/2015 5:15:02 PM*over comms* [i]Say goodbye to Nathan Fillion[/i] *sniper bullet goes through Cayde's head* *sniper bullet destroy's his Ghost* *The Stranger comes in, grabs you, and teleports you away* *Ghost closes all channels back* *walks down and Ghost reprograms fallen brethren's Ghost* *revives others* [spoiler]*guy you killed was decoy*[/spoiler]
K u win [spoiler]although I tecnically would've won the first time I destroyed your ghost[/spoiler]
Edited by The Arkwolf: 7/1/2015 1:48:58 AMI dropped a nuke and you survived and went invis. None of this makes sense lol.
You dropped it in the wrong place lol
Oh and yeah we hot wired THE nuke before it exploded