I have Doritos, Lays and Pringles. :)
-Pecks at a Dorito bag-
*opens Dorito bag for you*
-caws with happiness-
*pets you lightly*
-caws with happiness-
You're quite docile for an Ahamkara, most of them just try to eat me or incinerate me on sight. I like you. :)
-Finishes the bag of Doritos and caws-
Do you want another? *hold out another bag of Doritos*
-rips it open and pecks at the Doritos-
Edited by Nightingale: 6/30/2015 4:40:38 AM"I only defend myself when threatened, unless I'm in battle with my best friend, a Guardian named Gage. He's a legendary Hunter, you probably have heard of him. He is the only remaining member of the Six Coyotes." -caws-
I understand. I just meant most Ahamkara would attack me on sight for no real reason. As for your friend, I hope to meet him someday. He seems like a cool guy considering he hangs out with Ahamkara. I've always loved Ahamkara and Dragons, possibly because of my race.
"I've heard legends of another Guardian that raised a female Ahamkara, but I've never seen the Guardian. Gage has searched, but has not found anything yet. He's probably out searching right now."
Perhaps I could help. I've heard the same legends. My missions have always taken up my time, I've only gotten too search a few time with my dragon.
Edited by Nightingale: 6/30/2015 5:15:07 AM"The one thing that separates Gage from other Guardians is the fact that he despises the Tower. He is in fact an incarnate of Alpha Lupi, otherwise known as the Traveller, but he still rarely returns to the Tower. He lost his best Guardian friend during the battle of Twilight Gap and that is why he despises the Tower, along with the fact that going there with me means almost certain death for me. Gage is usually on Venus, but he has hideouts on Mars as well." -looks over at Dracomancer-
Edited by Xyrin Arcaiin: 6/30/2015 7:09:13 PM[Ignore this.]
He doesn't sound very accepting of new friends, unlike you. He just know who he can be friends with when he meets them. I hardly dare to bring Synth to the Tower, she is fortunate enough to be welcome there. It was different for a time, I can feel that we could be friends as well, perhaps given time. *looks over at BlazingHawk*
"I do visit the Tower often, but I must use my extremely rare cloaking ability to even get close to the city. Those guns at the Twilight Gap will light me up if I don't. Let me tell you—that cloak drains my energy extremely fast. I'm lucky enough to also be in contact with Alpha Lupi. She grants me more Light so that I can survive. The last time I went into the Tower, I couldn't sustain the cloak any longer and I think a Guardian saw me because he pulled out his weapon and walked over to where I was a minute before. I managed to escape thanks to Alpha Lupi granting me more Light and energy to cloak and fly out of there." -caws-
That is a quite powerful gift. You can cloak for much longer than other Hunters, Synth is similar with light. Not as powerful as you are, but the abilities she does wield are quite useful to us in many ways. She can survive in space for a time, heal faster, move faster. She is basically enhanced in many ways. She can't use the abilities of other Guardians like you can. Maybe you would like to meet her someday, you might like her. *I take one quick glance at Synth and look back to you*
"Maybe sometime. It appears Synth has more...[i]interstellar[/i] abilities than I. I cannot survive in space. I can last for maybe five minutes, but after that I have lost all hope of survival." -caws-
She can't fly to other planets, the light would not be able to sustain her for that long. I don't find use for her ability to survive a lack of atmosphere often, perhaps when we are on the moon I find it's use. *I stare at the ground*
Edited by Nightingale: 6/30/2015 8:21:08 PM"Sometimes, when I am in battle, I get a weird feeling that tells me to move or to fly to the side. That feeling is actually the Traveller warning me because I am in danger. The Traveller also gifts me Light and more energy when I am in battle. I've been through many battles, and they are starting to tally up in my mind. War never changes. It weighs you down and plagues your mind, bringing nightmares and hell upon you. That's what happened to Gage after Twilight Gap. He left the Tower. I was there with him when his best friend was impaled by a Captain's Cutlass and then thrown off of a cliff. Gage and I stood there, stunned as the same Captain crushed his Ghost between his fingers. I've never seen Gage so furious. He rushed the Captain at incredible speeds and threw him to the ground, then he proceeded to rip his head off with his bare hands. He took out his knife and docked every single arm the Captain had, tears streaming down his face the whole time. Gage and I, we share emotions. Sort of like a mental bond. I felt every emotion he had lash out at my mind and make me feel the same way. I'll never know the feeling again, because Gage has said the only time he'll ever feel the same way is if I fall in combat." -A small shadowy flame envelops him, expressing his sadness-
I wish I could have helped in the Battle of Twilight Gap. I hadn't spawned in time for that. Perhaps I could have saved his friend or died in his place. I wouldn't count on it, but I don't discredit any possibility. I believe that Gage acted the way he should have. He was as brutal as I have been before. I've made many enemies die gruesome deaths. I would not speak of them here or to any other. The way I would react if you or Synth fell, it would end very badly for anyone in the vicinity. *I hold you close attempting to comfort you*
Edited by Nightingale: 6/30/2015 8:43:33 PM"I found it. They called it the Great Invasion. Here's the file." -A holographic datapad appears next to you- (Here's the actual link https://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/110431065/0/0 yes I'm a fanfiction writer. I've been told that's one of the best ones there is.)
-caws in relief- "This actually isn't the only time Gage has been traumatized by battles. Very recently, him and I got a very big urge to return to the Tower, it was a sign of distress from Alpha Lupi, something she very rarely does. We returned to the Tower to learn that the Fallen had a new House among them, the House of Vengeance. The House of Vengeance somehow formed a pact with the true creator of all of the Vex, Valtex. The House of Vengeance was created to try and repeat the events of Twilight Gap, only this time, they are the victor. They sent a small team of a new type of Spider Walker to try and blow a hole into the Northern Wall. Well, it got interesting after that. I think the Vanguard has the entire battle written out in their records. I can give you the file to read and see what Gage and I and many other Guardians did during that battle." -caws-