*as you are exploring, you trip over something*
*Looks back to see what it is*
*it is a stick*
*picks up stick and examines it* ..?
*the stick appears to be made of oak, and most likely fell from the oak tree next to you*
*starts swinging stick around* Hmm not bad..
Ouch. *gets back and keeps exploring
i see you are still alive :D
Cmon i cant die THAT easily and it would be a sad way to go lol
been cruhsed into a reverse crusification with you head and shoulder exploding?
Yeah that no one wants to die that way nor having you're balls busted like balloons
and that asnt my own upercut thad hurt....(he can lift tanks)
Hello there
Hello how is your day here
Good, new here?
*Dojo explores you* [spoiler]Welcome to Russia[/spoiler]
Whoa. Why is the dojo in my hair *tries picking the Dojo out*
[spoiler]hey thats my line[/spoiler]
*sigimarus approaches you, blades folded away* Hello, I don't think we have met.... *extends hand* Sigimarus....
*extends arm to shake hand* Hello Sigimarus, name's Nightowl
*my visor snaps up, revealing my hollow skull/head* A pleasure to meet you nightowl.....are you looking for something?...or do you need a good fight.....
Yes, do we have rooms?
*i point to the quarters* Over there...one should be ready for you.....
*drops excessive loot in my room to be able to run again