I know there was a thread last year on this, I took the liberty to start a new one. With all the presorted standard posts, (junk mail) I assume other Destiny players would find this interesting. Also, everyone who lives within the same vicinity may be adding to their friends list today. Enjoy.
Temple, Tx
20, London
Note: Moved out of #Destiny since this really has nothing to do with the game.
You want my social security too?
27, El Paso TX -blam!-en hot as hell here right now.
Next will you ask for our mother's maiden name?
25 male from swansea Wales. Americans don't know where Wales is lol
Edited by YourToastedOats: 6/30/2015 1:20:41 PM12,male,chicago,il, usa
17, Sydney Australia
Edited by ByeByeNerd: 6/30/2015 12:09:05 PM17/female/blonde/cali Shorts shorts my fav String tees my bae [spoiler]I'm fukin cringe[/spoiler]
24 Marklars Marklar, Marklar
22 Lansing, MI
Do you need my blood type, phone number, address and credit card number too?
I was gonna say you live in that arsen city next to mine named Lawrence with a bunch of Hispanic people, but phew. I hope you know this particular city makes the name Lawrence a very cringing name in the East coast of the US. It's in Massachusetts, and it's stated the number one most arsen city in the nation, and my little town lives right next to it. I'm 16 btw 😑
17. Lansing Michigan
3rd Rock From The Sun
Edited by FathemNuker: 6/30/2015 1:10:38 PMHorny 13 year old I want some small hairy dick in my face Jk I'm a 300 lb line man 16 Who wants to dance
23 Raleigh, NC
50, f, indiana. And whenever some moron in pvp teabags my sub 1.0 kd, I wonder if they would teabag their mom or Grandma.
Ádám, 28 Hungary, Budapest
Stranger stay away from my danger
ASL? Lool
Do u need address too?
Many years Many an area Many a name
Wow, creeper.
23. Switzerland
Age: 98 Sex: Unsure Location: in a pineapple under the sea.. STALKER ALERT..