Atheon could wipe his ass from existing using oracles so yeah. Destiny wins.
Goku could fly above the height of the teleport so he doesn't go anywhere..
Dragon balls could wish him back into existence
If atheon could do that then how were we able to beat him? Since we were able to beat him then so could goku. Or he could just blow Venus up but oh well.....
Because a lot of guardians fell before us, and we learned from it.
Goku by himself gets teleported. No one to open the door. Goku if lost forever in the dark corners of time
or you know.. Goku would just instant transmission out.
As far as I know he can't time travel. The teleport puts you into another timeline, not a place in our dimension. Thus, the doors are the only way out.
Or maybe he doesn't get teleported cause he will have already have defeated atheon? Remember the first time people saw atheon they just shot everything at him, goku would just do the same and destroy him :)