Hey Bungie!
Okay, so XBOX recently announced (#E3) that reverse compatibility was coming. For the next part of the story, we come to me. As my birthday present (today is the day [yay]) I got an XBOX 1. But my brother is going away to college soon and he wants to take the 360 with him. So what I'm wondering is, when reverse compatibility rolls around, will you merge X1 and X360 servers? If you did I could still play with all my 360 friends from my X1 which would be awesome. Otherwise I'm going to lose like all of my friends for Destiny and stuff, that'd just suck.
So with reverse compatibility, when playing on the X1 will I be able to play with all my 360 friends, or do I need to make new ones for X1? Thanks Bungie.
I don't think it works like that. Cross generation platforms most likely won't happen and the revers comparability is the Xbox one ending able to read data made for the 360 so not exactly the same. Also likely games like destiny which were released on both platforms won't be backwards compatible.