I've gotten a lot less angry with Crucible after I've accepted that there is no victory in it, only defeat, and that I'm not good at it, but it still hasn't become fun for me.
I can see that the meta is Hand Cannons and Shotguns on Hunters and Warlocks, but otherwise it just seems like throwing myself into the game as cannon fodder for others without an ounce of enjoyment.
So, when do other people start having fun in the Crucible? Is it a specific mode? I admit I'm a solo player and don't have groups to play with, so maybe that's it?
It doesn't. Find something else like halo. Cya there, friend
It's fun when you get your ass kicked by Thorn. That way, I get to hear you whine
Just relax and enjoy yourself :)
It's fun when you manage to find people who don't sit in the corner with thorn/sniper. When you find people who you can actually have a real gunfight with and fight for map control. One of the funnest games I've ever played was also one of my worst... I found a guy on the other team who had the exact same playstyle as me and he was equally skilled. I died alot and so did he. At the end I messaged him good game
niether do i have groups of people to play with, depends on the map and load out can still come out tops occassionally
When you want it to be
I keep telling myself if should be fun, but it really isn't. Turning every corner just to die instantly from a shotgun isn't fun. Maybe if we had a few bigger maps in control/ IB rotation, y'know, like the two that were there in the goddamn first place, I might enjoy it more.
You start having fun when you stop caring- you should be challenging yourself to attain higher death counts each game. 2-11? Screw that! You can get to 2-19 if you run fast enough and straight enough at the enemy! J/K dude, play control with friends, invite members from lobbies that perform well and try to focus on a PVP style that is FUN for you. If I'm getting angry I pull out NLB and specifically have an AWFUL game just to remind myself that that is all Destiny is.
Remember how beautiful the crucible was before anyone had exotic primaries. Oh man, those were the days!
i love control and i get my butt handed to me often but i LOVE it, lol...and i rage but that's half the fun.
Edited by Abaddon866: 6/30/2015 8:44:27 PMHonestly, don't play solo. Join a clan or make some friends. It's so much better when you have a team to coordinate with. Also try and use the powerful weapons. Yeah it's shitty to have to use guns you may not love, but winning is fun, dying and losing is not. Try to focus on staying alive instead of rushing in to get kills. Never take a control point solo unless you know the enemy is across the map and you have your super. Also doesn't hurt to do some research into what builds do better and why. Gunslinger is great, but knife juggler is a waster talent point unless you're godly with a throwing knife for instance.
Standard clash when all the try hard do iron pointless
When the thorn problem is dealt with. So... Never
it will never be fun. but it will not be as bad when you accept that the crucible was designed to be a shitgun fest and run a shitgun yourself.
If I get 15 or more kills I'm happy. Don't get mad if you get: Thorned Rocketed Machine Gunned Supered You get 4 marks for loosing and that is 1 more then you USED to get for winning. See? It's easy....attitude is everything.
Once you accept the fact 90% of the people that kill you will be using a shotgun or exotic hand cannon, and that it's not really your fault if you get outgunned by one, you just have to move on
I mean I myself am taking a break from the game till they balance it, but I can say that in the beta and in the early days of destiny it was fun.
When you get an exotic hand cannon
It becomes fun once you practice. I played Halo competitively and I thought I would dominate Destiny when I first played. But I was so wrong. I would get wrecked constantly so I just gave up. I didn't even do the bounties. But just practice! I couldn't stand it. I didn't even start playing the Crucible until January and now I'm a top 1% player and I'm ranked #7,281. It just takes practice! Just keep practicing, man. Everything becomes fun when you're good at it. I don't even play PvE anymore because PvP is so much more fun. It's the only reason I come back. Let me know if you need tips or anything. I know everything there is to know so just give me a shout!
When you stop..
It became fun for me once I entered for the first time. If you aren't having fun by now maybe crucible isn't the thing for you.
It becomes fun with practice, im on the cusp of 1.0 k/d and seem to be getting the hang of things finally. I use handcannons, because its fun and they hit like a truck. Don't usually use thorn/last word,because my Ill will is beast. I run Og felwinters or a decent sniper depending on the map. NLB is a blast to use too. I think crucible is only as fun as you make it.
It's nothing but Thorns and shotguns so unless you're willing to accept that the pukes who play it don't care how lame it is to use those cheap weapons at all times then it will never be enjoyable. If you want to play a fun PvP that takes some skill try Battlefield. At this point, not many players play the objective but the weapons are balanced so the guys who crutch it up all day in Crucible don't play it.
You need a group. You should join a clan.
Edited by Mustangs: 6/30/2015 7:00:20 PMIn all honesty, it is most fun when I play solo and go up against teams of players like you in control. Players with poor stats that play by themselves, let me slay all day long. I do play with a lot of close friends which is always fun. My best game is 56-2 with a 30 kill streak solo on asylum control, last word and sniper on my hunter.