Goku: All right Darkness, prepare to face the power of the Spirit Bomb! People, give me your strength!
*8 days later*
Guardian: Uhh... Goku?
Guardian: Goku, the Darkness already won a while ago. You've been floating here screaming for like a week now.
Guardian: I mean, the big blue energy ball you've got there is cool and all, but... C'mon, man.
*Finally throws Spirit Bomb, destroys what's left of the last city*
If you knew anything about DBZ you would know that everytime Goku gets stronger it takes him less time to do his ultimate moves. He can throw a spirit bomb and half a second. Also he is sayain God which makes him the most powerful being to have existed.
Its a joke
I know and I laughed at it, just thought I would throw in a bit of facts. Sorry if I seemed like a douche that rained on your parade.
No no it's all good
How many super saiyans does it take to change a light bulb? [spoiler]only 1, but it takes 10 episodes and krillin dies.[/spoiler] Made me lol
[quote]How many super saiyans does it take to change a light bulb? [spoiler]only 1, but it takes 10 episodes and krillin dies.[/spoiler] Made me lol[/quote]
They should have made that a running joke in the series.
yeah, i loled ad well.