Right when he spawns bitch slap atheon.
Plus uses Skolas' poison. This gives Goku a limited amount of time to kill everything, and he won't be able to.
Goku can travel and fight faster than light, and can destroy entire planets with his Kamehameha; not to mention he has Instant Transmission (which is, as the name implies, INSTANT. He can instantly teleport just about anywhere he can think of.)
Atheon is the god of space and time so that would cross out goku's transmission ability.
Lolololol atheon lost to 6 guardians what a joke
Instant transmission bitch he's back bitch slapping Aethon!
Instant Transmission isn't time travel. He gets locked in the past or the future, so Instant Transmission would be no good.
He can use it to jump across dimentions
Yet he uses Ki to track people.
Not time!
Dragon balls bitch jk