Bungie, there is no logical reason why there isn't a windows phone or windows 8 app for the companion. Knowing how app developing works, Microsoft has made it easier than ever to port iPhone and Android apps to Windows. Please Bungie, for the fans.
There's no budget for porting an app to a platform that just laid off [u]thousands[/u] of employees.
Edited by NeedleSpree: 7/19/2015 6:02:42 AMBecause Windows Phones are not real phones. The end. Although in order of how much of a douche someone is: iPhone(awful specs for price, white girl at Starbucks who knows nothing of tech) Android(Google wants your soul. Really.) Windows(ClearBlack displays are fantastic, and the tile setup is cool) Dumbphone/Blackberry(Nope.) Oh, and funny story; I have a Note 3 and a Lumia 1520. Microsoft owns Nokia, and owns Windows, and owns Skype. But the Windows Phone version of Skype is the least-featured mobile version, and the least usable.
Wtf is a Windows phone? Is that like a unicorn or something because I've never seem one outside of a store
BlackBerry App!
People own windows phones? Jesus Christ.....
I'm just moving over to Windows Phone from iOS and not having the Destiny app is going to suck.
Edited by WED Nosce: 6/30/2015 7:20:55 PMIf I had to guess, it would probably boil down to pettiness. I wouldn't put it past either entity to have made a conscious decision to make the Windows version not happen. The bad blood between Bunjie and Microsoft can't be ignored. It's funny though that they've both decided that the fans should be punished. Heck, using the site on my Windows phone now is proof enough that Windows compatibility is not a concern of Bunjie's. Just my observation.