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originally posted in: Titan Family Meeting
Edited by Nightingale: 6/30/2015 8:21:08 PM
"Sometimes, when I am in battle, I get a weird feeling that tells me to move or to fly to the side. That feeling is actually the Traveller warning me because I am in danger. The Traveller also gifts me Light and more energy when I am in battle. I've been through many battles, and they are starting to tally up in my mind. War never changes. It weighs you down and plagues your mind, bringing nightmares and hell upon you. That's what happened to Gage after Twilight Gap. He left the Tower. I was there with him when his best friend was impaled by a Captain's Cutlass and then thrown off of a cliff. Gage and I stood there, stunned as the same Captain crushed his Ghost between his fingers. I've never seen Gage so furious. He rushed the Captain at incredible speeds and threw him to the ground, then he proceeded to rip his head off with his bare hands. He took out his knife and docked every single arm the Captain had, tears streaming down his face the whole time. Gage and I, we share emotions. Sort of like a mental bond. I felt every emotion he had lash out at my mind and make me feel the same way. I'll never know the feeling again, because Gage has said the only time he'll ever feel the same way is if I fall in combat." -A small shadowy flame envelops him, expressing his sadness-

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  • *Fayt looks over to Veoleta* (Fayt- I remember you, you're that Ahamkara I met so long ago. It's nice to see you.) I'm just so glad to see you again! I missed you, so much....... I'm speechless.

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  • *Veoleta smiles and stands next to Fayt* *you here yelling and see a orange glow from outside the cave* "Uhh guys? What's that? It sounds like other guardians I think they are yelling at us they may have found out there is an ahamkara and 3 Dragonkins here"

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  • Oh -blam!-, I won't let this happen again! Synth, let's fly! *Synth lets me jump on, we fly to the Guardians* Stop this! Now!!!!

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  • *the guardians don't listen and proceed to shoot at you* "Shit come on Veoleta lets get rid of these guardians!" *i jump on Veoleta's back and fly out of the cave, her wings burn with void light, she starts to shoot mini void bombs at the guardians to paralyze them long enough to escape*

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  • *I jump down, I impale a guardian on my claw* Leave this place! Never return here! *the other Guardians run away, terrified by our fireteam*

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  • Edited by Veoleta: 7/1/2015 12:43:01 AM
    *one of the hunters look at me and say* Hunter: "your a disgrace to us guardians of I ever see you near this tower I won't hesitate to kill you!" "I don't blame you" *i activate my arc blade and start rampaging over all the guardians the hunter survives while the rest die* "There they're dead now we can be here in peace"

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  • *Synth and I land in an area with no Ahamkara bones, so we don't crush them* My gosh....... I can't believe that they would do this! I feel as if it was right to burn them.... burn them al- (Synth speaking to me in Draconic- Snap out of it! You can't do it again!) You're right. I need to calm down, but I can't make any promises when we get to the Dragonkin Skeleton.

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