So me and my team already went flawless just in time and we decided to continue doing trials with crappy weapons *cough* auto rifles *cough* until reset. My friend used Hard Light and my other friend used i think it was Badger CCL or a legendary auto rifle and vestian dynasty and a blue machine gun i used Monte Carlo and we lost the first two matches but then we fought a group of guys that were using thorn and this is where the shocker happens... We won. I don't know if it was me but Monte Carlo did surprisingly somewhat alot of damage. My friend with hard light died alot and my other friend got lucky at times. And man i destoryed them with Monte Carlo and i got hate mail from one of those guys saying that he reported us for cheating and "You guys are the biggest cheaters i have ever played against" and called us dumbasses. <-- this message was kind of weird because it was part of his friend request. Why would he send me a friend request with hate mail with it. He is either joking or he was so pissed and wanted to send me hate mail quickly. Well ill take it as hate mail until i get a response. I told him "We weren't lag switching, we weren't using modded controllers, we weren't using modded consoles, we weren't using any exploits, we were using crappy weapons because reset was nearby. That's why my friend was using hard light and he couldn't even kill any of you unless you have really low health. Sorry i killed you with an auto rifle and not a thorn but we killed you guys legit. Git gud scrub".
TL;DR: Me and my teammates used auto rifles and won a match against 3 thorns, Monte carlo did most of the work, got hate mail saying we were cheaters and got reported. I told him we did it legit and to git gud scrub.
Do you guys have a story to share that happened in your trials?
EDIT Proof:
Lol noice