Keep liking this post :) thanks everyone
I don't keep everyone I add I will delete you after you get cp
Add me if you need it and have your mic on thank you if you don't have a mic don't join
Psn: Randomkarma
Not doing it all day I'm only doing it today from ??? to ???PST get while it's hot
Any question send me a message
[b][u]{Important read first}Don't ask me to add because I will NOT add you when I'm doing YOU a favor so anyone asking for a add I will not add you or reply to you thank you {important read first}[/u][/b]
If anyone else has a gorgon cp post it up on this thread let help each other out
❎❎Comeback Season now recruiting American teenagers. We have a 40 player max limit on the clan so you actually know who your raiding with. your going to build a strong relationship with the people in the clan and finish things faster unlike going to LFG on here. We have a PS4 group chat so everyone knows when someone needs help or wants to do something. Add mangojuice24 on PS4 or message me here ❎❎