The title says it all. "Are gunslingers going extinct in PvP?"
The amount of time I put into PvP I rarely run into any gunslingers. Not saying we don't exist just that there are less and less of us In PvP anymore.
I dont know, are we?
The moment I reached 15 I would ALWAYS run Bladedancer. I rarely found myself running Gunslinger in PvP at all. Now I realize Gunslinger is the superior class for PvP and with the edition of the Nighthawk, PvE as well. I only run Bladedancer when I need that invisibility like nightfalls and PoE
Edited by Pyrotech707: 7/1/2015 3:01:47 PMGunslingers have the best super for PvP, period, the end. I have seen plenty of them. There are lots in normal PvP and way more in ToO because that easy distance team kill.
Gunslinger is my second favorite. Right right striker. And I think gunslinger is going to be my go to clasd for rumble. Can't quite get my shoulder charging down, there
As a day 1er it's been hilarious to see the hunter meta shift every 3 months. At launch gunslinger was revered because it was a long distance roaming super Then bungie nerfed it so it go no extra armor and people moved to bladedancer Then after players started learning how to hard counter bladedancer with close range options like shotguns, bubble with armor of light, saving FoH and Nova bomb specifically for it, etc. People switched to gunslinger. Now ever since the rumble maps were added in bladedancers dominate again.
No gods or kings, only man. - old
Gunslinger all the time in trials. I love it -
Hell no it's the only class I run in PvP.
So in one match last night a gunslinger dropped me with a throwing knife from like 50 meters or some absolutely ridiculous distance like that. And this was immediately after I picked up heavy ammo. -blam!-ing right in the noggin
I love using the hawkmoon throwing knife combo
I switched back after being bladedancer a long time. Gs trance en chain of woe is amazing in pve combined with red death. But in pvp you only have your golden gun. A 3-kill guarantee however. My favourite subclass!
Lol hell no. I've played in bunch of Iron banner games. Im always seeing someone use gunslinger normally 1 or 2. And blink will only be used until shotguns get hit with the nerf button.
All supers are basically. Everyone has thorn
No. I run every Iron Banner now with my hunter as gunslinger. The funniest part is all the bladedancers just shows the overall lack of skill of most people in PVP. All they read about on the forumns is "waaah my vagina hurts nerf thorn, nerf bladedancer" so they think the class is overpowered. Sure the super is a bit above some others in the number of kills you can get per use, but hunters have many other shortcomings. I ONLY run gunslinger when I do Iron banner and when I actually play with my hunter. I HATE bladedancer, especially in PVE. Its such a useless pussboy class. OR maybe some of the guys i've played with have turned me off, because all they do is hide with invis like freaking pansies.
I only ever Pvp gunslinger I hate it when you stick someone with a trip mine they run at you and you both die. But I love throwing knives.
Also, sticking a guy with a trip mine is way more satisfying than, say, a fusion grenade.
Edited by VIII_XIII: 7/1/2015 2:05:54 PMI usually play as a gunslinger, only switch over to bladedancer for melee bounties in PvP or for invisibility in PvE
Edited by virt: 7/1/2015 2:58:55 PMPeople probably switch from gunslinger to bladedancer during iron banner for the melee bounty. Like me. Sadly throwing knives don't count. Edit: I mean that bladedancer has a better melee than gunslinger.
I have celestial nighthawk so I use blade dancer cause I get 1 shot for golden gun
I use it my hunter is my main
You crazy? Probably the most prevalent subclass. All I ever see is the kill feed lit up by them. Ever notice why that kill 25 hunters bounty only takes like 2 games. Crucible is mostly hunters. Always will be that way cuz if their supers
Whenever I play my hunter, it's a gunslinger.
Gunslinger with symbiote I found works well. Arachnid is okay too on the right stage (shores to kill that pesky B sniper
Only because Quickdraw is on the wrong subclass.
Gunslinger is perfect for trials: 3 people, 3 shots
I still use it.