Gunslinger with symbiote I found works well. Arachnid is okay too on the right stage (shores to kill that pesky B sniper
Best perk for Gunslingers, but ugly to look at and doesn't go well with a lot of cloaks for me.
Arachnid is the worst exotic armour in the game.
Dumb helmet. The zoom should've of been like a variable scope. Zoom in and out at will. Now that would've been more viable than what it is Now.
Or it gives perks from the skill tree like over the horizon and combustion so you can pick other stuff. Basically it's perk right now is it looks cool.
Yea I know but it was my only Hunter exotic helmet for a short time (about a week before it sat in my vault collecting dust)
ha ha I know right. I've only ever put it on to level when I hand in bounties. That's it.