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originally posted in:CentauriAlpha Fan Fiction
6/22/2015 8:03:47 PM

The light that burns (repost)

I felt the ground crunch under my boots, each step sending up white clouds of powder which floated for a second before falling back down to ground. I turned to my "traveling companion" A wizard being held captive by a warlock. " Are you sure the information is good, Warlock?" I said straining not to scream due to the pain radiating from my body. With a wry smile the awoken twisted the restraints of void around the creature, tightening them which elicited a scream of pain from the creature. "Oh, it should be, and for the last time my name is Drakon. Not "warlock" " Drakon said. I said nothing as I turned around and kept walking pain streaking through my entire body as I did so, "You know, you can be a little more personable.... even with your "condition"" Drakon said, eyeing the slowly growing cracks in my gold tinted visor. I just continued walking, just focusing on putting one foot in front of the other. Slowly moving towards the cave that did not seem to be on any known map, one that we only learned of by capturing a witch that begged for its life near the end. We neared the cave, only to see a horde of acolytes and thrall swarming around each other in a frenzy. We stepped behind a outcropping of rock as a couple of the thrall took notice, they began sniffing the air. The witch chittered, " She says that they smell the light you are leaking through the cracks in your helm. It is putting them into a feeding frenzy." Drakon said grimly. "The only thing that matters.... is if she was correct in saying there was a cure for it here, if there is.... nothing will stop me." I said with a determined glare in the direction of the cave. I started running, gaining speed as I went, and leapt into the air gaining arc energy around me as I went. I leapt down into the group of thralls and acolyte's head first at full speed creating a explosion around me, it disintegrated them all and widened the cracks in my visor. "Coming?" I said, not waiting for a response as I went deeper into the cave. " .... Titans" Sighed Drakon shaking his head as he lead the witch in behind him. The interior of the cave was lit with glowing green crystals and slowly the cave wall took form as architecture the Hive are prone too. The only difference being the markings on the walls. They seemed to have a purpose, telling a story. "Ask her what this says" I said scanning the markings. Drakon pulled on the restraints and began speaking in her tongue asking her about the meaning of the markings. The witch began chitterling in her insufferable language for some minutes until finally Drakon silenced her with a wave of his hand. " She says it is referring to a long dead wizard god, it was the one that discovered the ability to rip light from other creatures and feed on it.... great, just great!" Drakon said staring into the darkness of the cave. "Lets go" I said marching into the cave. We kept walking, the light leaking from my helm providing some unintended illumination. After some time we came into a amphitheater of sorts. With a high vaulted ceiling and sloping floor. In the middle of the room was a pedestal with what looked like a parchment wreathed in darkness. "Is that it, is the cure?" I asked the wizard, she chittered in response which Drakon translated into a understandable response. "She says it is, and is asking if the deal still applies. You know? The one where you let her live once you have it." "If it is what she promised, then yes." I said starting to walk into the chamber. Drakon followed with the Wizard in tow. Once we entered the room, hive began swarming into the room from all directions their claws scraping over rocks and bones as they rushed us. We fought them. We fought them all. Storm fists flying one after another, scatter grenades and energy drains disintegrating them one after another. Finally my rage built to a point where I could not contain it any longer. "ENOUGH!" I Jumped up and slammed down, sending a wave of arc energy into the horde destroying them all, but the force of light within me finally broke my visor on my helm, light began poring out. Streaming out of my golden visor in twin jets. I walked to the podium slowly pain slowing my progress, I grabbed the parchment and visions began filling my mind. Visions of hundreds of wizards draining the light from countless guardians. I dropped and was grasping for air, Drakon rushed over and grabbed my shoulder. "Are you okay?" He asked with concern in his eyes. " I am now, I found the cure" as I punched through him with a storm fist and began draining his light, sealing the cracks in my helm. " I wont be needing your services any longer." PLEASE TAKE NOTE. This is a fanfiction, also my first one. This is my interpretation of the helm of innermost light. I would love feedback! Thanks!

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