that doesnt exist duh!
And your opinion on my religion concerns me why?
because i am an agent of goku
I think goku would believe in a afterlife since he's been there
oryx is in the afterlife with osiris cuz i killed him
And u say we Christians make no sense lol
Again, I care why?
i dont know, only you can answer that
I don't know what you just said, so I'm just shake my head no and disagree with you. So no.
this makes no sense wow typical christian
[quote]Belief is a powerful weapon.[/quote] Need I say more?
what? sweetie youre not making any sense :)
Look up the Hive Acolyte grimoire card.
ive never killed an acolyte
Your character sheets say otherwise. XD
the hive ive killed is oryx once
TTK isn't out yet, your post is illogical.
bungie let me kill him i'm the highest paid destiny youtuber in the entite country of sudan
.................. the lol's are strong with you.
look up my channel it's gokuworshipperofsudan
I think not...... In fact I believe I have won this conversation already. :)
look it up and see its real sry but u lost man... :/
God's on my side with this one. I can't lose. Sorry man.