Absolutely. I bow to the almighty God. I'm not ashamed.
I'm no example of what a Christian should be, however. But my previous comment was just a side note.
It doesn't change the fact that humanity is -blam!-ed. World War 3 is upon us, and that means nuclear holocaust. If there are any survivors at all, we'll just end up again where we are now. The cycle will repeat until a massive comet collides with earth ending life as we know it.
Iran, or a second revolution will kick it all off. I give it 10 years, tops.
You know I would like to help you but in my experience, people like you or, who have a kindred mindset to yours are beyond reasoning with on many levels. I mean no offence by this of course, this is empirically stated from my point of view in both life and online and I have found that such people are dogmatic and dangerous in large groups of likeminded others.
Thanks again and see you around.
Have a good day...or erm, night depending on your time zone.
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