I've been big into gaming since I started playing Pong on the Colecovision. I love playing Destiny, but my wife doesn't see why I'm so into video games. I tried hooking up my old Nintendo to let her try Super Mario and Duck Hunt (I mean who doesn't like mario and duck hunt). She liked it, so I offered to show her how to play destiny since its my most recent gaming obsession. Sadly, as I was going over the controls, she stopped me that it was too much to remember for one game. So, I figured we shouldn't start out with any FPS or RPG type games.
Does anyone have any suggestions for an xbox one game with simpler controls that's still engaging and fun?
Throw her into crucible.
I'm trying to get a wife. Or a girlfriend for that matter. What a sad existence I live.
Dark Souls II.
Edited by SmuttyFox: 7/2/2015 6:13:05 AMDon't explain the controls so in-depth. Give her the controller and tell her "left stick to move, right to look around, a (? I'm on ps4 lol) to jump" and let the game explain the rest
Don't force her into it, nothing good will come out of that. If she is watching you play, ask her if she wants to try and have a go. Tell her the goal and let her figure out the controls herself.
Lucky me, My wife is an old school gamer like me. she plays Hers, while I play mine..... That sounds kinda...... ;)
Tie her to a chair
Edited by Tiki Kitsune: 7/2/2015 5:23:42 AMShe's just gotta practice. I wouldn't even explain the controls, it can get overwhelming for first timers. I'd just let her figure it out on her own. It'll become second nature. Lure her in by telling her she can customize her character (that's what my bf did) and I wanted a pretty flowing dress/robe for my warlock. :3
It's muscle memory. Like riding a bike, it comes in time. The way I got my wife to play is that I told her, you don't know what you will enjoy if you can't ride the bike without training wheels...
Try worms battlegrounds. It is fun, simple, and makes for healthy competition!
Umm, a kinect game? Some form of racing game? Preferably something co op would be best
Maybe mine craft